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Set bob install dir to CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR #115

Set bob install dir to CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR

Set bob install dir to CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR #115

name: simmetrx_enabled_pr_comment_trigger_self_hosted
# Controls when the workflow will run
types: [created]
# Allows you to run this workflow manually from the Actions tab
contents: read
# The type of runner that the job will run on
runs-on: self-hosted
if: |
github.event.issue.pull_request &&
contains(github.event.comment.body, '/runtests') &&
((github.event.comment.user.login == 'cwsmith') ||
(github.event.comment.user.login == 'jacobmerson'))
# Checks-out your repository under $GITHUB_WORKSPACE, so your job can access it
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
ref: refs/pull/${{ github.event.issue.number }}/head
submodules: recursive
path: 'core_${{ github.event.issue.number }}'
- name: build_sim
id: build_sim
shell: bash
run: |
set +e #avoid exiting when lua modules return non-zero on 'warning' messages
source /etc/profile #provides module command
module use /opt/scorec/spack/rhel9/v0201_4/lmod/linux-rhel9-x86_64/Core/
module load gcc/12.3.0-iil3lno
module load mpich/4.1.1-xpoyz4t
module load simmetrix-simmodsuite/2024.0-240119dev-7abimo4
module load zoltan/3.83-hap4ggo
module load cmake/3.26.3-2duxfcd
set -e
cmake -S core_${{ github.event.issue.number }} \
-B ${RUNNER_TEMP}/buildSim \
-DSIM_MPI=mpich4.1.1 \
-DMESHES=${{github.workspace}}/core_${{ github.event.issue.number }}/pumi-meshes \
cmake --build ${RUNNER_TEMP}/buildSim -j 4
ctest --test-dir ${RUNNER_TEMP}/buildSim --output-on-failure
- name: build_sim_cgns
id: build_sim_cgns
shell: bash
run: |
set +e #avoid exiting when lua modules return non-zero on 'warning' messages
source /etc/profile #provides module command
module use /opt/scorec/spack/rhel9/v0201_4/lmod/linux-rhel9-x86_64/Core/
module load gcc/12.3.0-iil3lno
module load mpich/4.1.1-xpoyz4t
module load simmetrix-simmodsuite/2024.0-240119dev-7abimo4
module load zoltan/3.83-hap4ggo
module load cmake/3.26.3-2duxfcd
module load cgns/develop-cc4dfwp
set -e
cmake -S core_${{ github.event.issue.number }} \
-B ${RUNNER_TEMP}/buildSimCgns\
-DSIM_MPI=mpich4.1.1 \
-DMESHES=${{github.workspace}}/core_${{ github.event.issue.number }}/pumi-meshes \
cmake --build ${RUNNER_TEMP}/buildSimCgns -j 4
ctest --test-dir ${RUNNER_TEMP}/buildSimCgns --output-on-failure
- name: Save Result Link
if: ${{ !cancelled() }} #prepare report unless the job was cancelled
run: |
mkdir -p ./pr
echo "${{ github.event.issue.number }}" > ./pr/issueNumber
echo "[Build Log](${{github.repository}}/actions/runs/${{ github.run_id }})" >> ./pr/message
echo "Simmetrix Test Result: ${{ steps.build_sim.outcome }} " >> ./pr/message
echo "Simmetrix + CGNS Test Result: ${{ steps.build_sim_cgns.outcome }} " >> ./pr/message
- name: Upload result
if: ${{ !cancelled() }} #upload unless the job was cancelled
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
name: pr
path: pr/