This is an API Design of the Flight Booking System which was designed using the MICROSERVICE Architecture.It has 4 microservices
- Authentication Service
- Booking Service
- Flights Search Service
- Remainder Service
Server: Node, Express
DataBase : MySQL,Redis
Message Broker : RabbitMQ
Architechture : Microservice Architechture(Repository Pattern)
Tools : Postman , Sequelize
- It is developed on the Microservice Architecture.
- Implemented JWT Token authentication mechanism for authentication and authorisation of users.
- Implemented API Gateway which authenticates thetoken and also apply Rate Limiting does which basically works as an Reverse Proxy and helps in preventing Dos Attacks.
- Implemented Caching(Cache Aside Pattern) in the Flights Search Serviceusing Redis there by optimizing the response time.
- Implemented CronJobs in Remainder Service which automatically delete the already sent emails to the customers and automatically sends an email to customer.
- Implemented interservice synchronous communication using HTTP(REST)APIs and also asychronous communication using Message Brokers like RabbitMQ.
Authentication service
It is used to autheticate the user using the JWT tokens
Github Repo Link : clickhere -
It is used to search the flights between two different cities
Github Repo Link : clickhere -
Booking Service
It is used to Book the flights .
Github Repo Link : clickhere -
Remainder Service It is used to send emails to user regarding their flight bookings Github Repo Link : clickhere
API Gateway
It is used to route the client requests to their respective microservices also have ratelimiting in the API Gateway.
Github Repo Link :clickhere