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Module CompositeModel Examples

Georg Muntingh edited this page Aug 20, 2017 · 1 revision

Example createSplitDisc.C

This programs creates a face set representing a disc as two trimmed surfaces: The trimmed disc and a rectangular surface lying inside this disc. This is a starting point for the creation of a disc as a multi patch model with spline surfaces and no degeneracies. The construction uses planar, rectangular surfaces and a truncated cylinder, but the operations performed using these surfaces do not depend on that level of regularity.

Example createBlockStructuredDisc.C

This example file creates a block structured set of spline surfaces from a face set consisting of possibly trimmed surfaces with arbitrary topology (no corner-to-corner conditions).

Example createVolumeBoundaries.C

This programs creates a set of B-spline surfaces intended as the boundary surfaces for a spline volume. A number of different methods are used in the surface construction. Thus, this example program illustrates some of the possibilities for surface construction.

Example face2splineSet.C

This program demonstrates how to create a set of spline surfaces, meeting in a corner-to-corner configuration and with corresponding coefficients at common boundaries, from one possibly trimmed face.

The program reads a bounded surface from a file, splits this surface into several bounded surfaces where each surface has (at most) 4 boundary curves. Finally, each bounded surface is approximated by a spline surface within a given tolerance and $C^0$ continuities at common boundaries is ensured.

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