The aim of healthcareai
is to streamline machine learning in healthcare. The package has two main goals:
- Allow one to easily create models based on tabular data, and deploy a best model that pushes predictions to SQL Server.
- Provide tools related to data cleaning, manipulation, and imputation.
- Using Windows
- If you haven't, install 64-bit Python 3.5 via the Anaconda distribution
- Open Spyder (which installed with Anaconda)
- run
conda install pyodbc
- run
pip install
- Using Linux / OSX (via docker)
- Install docker
- Clone this repo (look for the green button on the repo main page)
- cd into the cloned directory
- run
docker build -t healthcareai .
- run the docker instance with
docker run -p 8888:8888 healthcareai
- You should then have a jupyter notebook available on
- Visit
- Modify the queries and parameters to match your data
- If you plan on deploying a model (ie, pushing predictions to SQL Server), run this in SSMS beforehand:
CREATE TABLE [SAM].[dbo].[HCPyDeployClassificationBASE] (
[BindingID] [int] ,
[BindingNM] [varchar] (255),
[LastLoadDTS] [datetime2] (7),
[PatientEncounterID] [decimal] (38, 0), --< change to your grain col
[PredictedProbNBR] [decimal] (38, 2),
[Factor1TXT] [varchar] (255),
[Factor2TXT] [varchar] (255),
[Factor3TXT] [varchar] (255))
CREATE TABLE [SAM].[dbo].[HCPyDeployRegressionBASE] (
[BindingID] [int],
[BindingNM] [varchar] (255),
[LastLoadDTS] [datetime2] (7),
[PatientEncounterID] [decimal] (38, 0), --< change to your grain col
[PredictedValueNBR] [decimal] (38, 2),
[Factor1TXT] [varchar] (255),
[Factor2TXT] [varchar] (255),
[Factor3TXT] [varchar] (255))
Note that we're currently working on easy connections to other types of databases.
We welcome community contributions. See here to get started!
- To render docs, create a virtualenvironment for
to directory where folder was downloaded- Type
python -m virtualenv healthcare
- Install required python modules
- Type
pip install -r dev-requirements.txt
- Type
- For Windows
- Run
sphinx-autobuild docs docs/_build/html
in the root of the repo - Open a browser to
- Run
- For non-Windows:
- Simply run
inv docs
and a new browser window should open to
- Simply run