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unary/binary judgements defined directly on raw code
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kyoDralliam authored and haselwarter committed Mar 15, 2022
1 parent 47f4f7a commit bd874bc
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Showing 2 changed files with 55 additions and 108 deletions.
12 changes: 4 additions & 8 deletions theories/Crypt/semantics/binary.v
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Expand Up @@ -87,20 +87,17 @@ End BindCoupling.
Section Def.
#[local] Open Scope fset.
#[local] Open Scope fset_scope.
Context (Loc : {fset Location}).
Context (import : Interface).

(* Local shorter names for code and semantics *)
Let C := code Loc import.
Let C := raw_code.
Let M := (Def.stsubdistr heap_choiceType).

Definition stsubdistr_rel [A1 A2 : choiceType] : M A1 -> M A2 -> Type :=
fun d1 d2 => forall map1 map2, { d | d ~[ d1 map1 , d2 map2 ] }.

(** Taking an interpretation of the imported operation as assumption *)
Context (import_eval : forall o, o \in import -> src o -> M (tgt o)).
Context (eval_op : forall o, src o -> M (tgt o)).

Let eval [A] := eval import import_eval (A:=A).
Let eval [A] := eval eval_op (A:=A).

Definition prerelation := rel heap.
Definition postrelation A1 A2 := (A1 * heap) -> pred (A2 * heap).
Expand All @@ -113,11 +110,10 @@ Section Def.
exists d, d ~[eval c1 map1, eval c2 map2] /\
forall p1 p2, d (p1,p2) <> 0%R -> post p1 p2.

Open Scope package_scope.

(* Bindings in the pre/postcondition looks annoying here *)
Notation "⊨ ⦃ pre ⦄ c1 ≈ c2 ⦃ post ⦄" :=
(binary_judgement pre {code c1} {code c2} post) : Rules_scope.
(binary_judgement pre c1 c2 post) : Rules_scope.
Open Scope Rules_scope.

(** Ret rule *)
Expand Down
151 changes: 51 additions & 100 deletions theories/Crypt/semantics/unary.v
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Expand Up @@ -40,15 +40,6 @@ Proof.
f_equal. rewrite fg. reflexivity.

(* Lemma dlet_restr [A B : choiceType] (m : {distr A/R}) *)
(* (f : A -> {distr B /R}) : *)
(* \dlet_(x <- m) f x = \dlet_(x <- m) drestr [pred _ | m x != 0%R] (f x). *)
(* Proof. *)
(* apply: distr_ext=> z; rewrite 2!dletE. *)
(* apply: eq_psum=> a; case E: (m a == 0)%R=> /=; last by rewrite drestrE. *)
(* move: E=> /eqP ->; by rewrite 2!GRing.mul0r. *)
(* Qed. *)

Lemma eq_dlet_partial [A B : choiceType] :
∀ (m : {distr A/R}) (f g : A -> {distr B /R}),
(∀ x, m x ≠ 0%R → f x = g x) →
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -101,6 +92,8 @@ Section Def.
model for single probabilistic programs with state space S *)
Definition stsubdistr (A : choiceType) := S → {distr (A * S) / R}.

Definition stsubnull (A : choiceType) : stsubdistr A := fun _ => dnull.

Definition ret [A : choiceType] (a : A) : stsubdistr A :=
λ s, dunit (a,s).

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -148,28 +141,12 @@ Section Def.
exists p₀. assumption.

Definition bind_restr [A B : choiceType]
(m : stsubdistr A) (P : pred A) (f : ∀ (a : A), P a → stsubdistr B) :
stsubdistr B :=
let f' (a : A) :=
bool_depelim (stsubdistr B) (P a) (λ h, f a h) (λ _ _, dnull)
Def.bind m f'.

Lemma bind_restr_not_null [A B : choiceType] :
∀ (m : stsubdistr A) (P : pred A) (f : ∀ (a : A), P a → stsubdistr B)
(hP : ∀ map p, m map p ≠ 0%R → P p.1) map p,
bind_restr m P f map p ≠ 0%R →
∃ p₀, { hm : m map p₀ ≠ 0%R | f p₀.1 (hP _ _ hm) p₀.2 p ≠ 0%R }.
intros m P f hP map p.
move => /bind_not_null [p₀ [hm₀ hf₀]].
exists p₀, hm₀.
revert hf₀. rewrite bool_depelim_true.
1:{ eapply hP. eassumption. }
intro hb. rewrite (bool_irrelevance (hP _ _ _) hb). auto.
Lemma bind_ext [A B : choiceType] (m : stsubdistr A) (f g : A -> stsubdistr B) :
f =1 g -> bind m f = bind m g.
Proof. move=> fg; f_equal; extensionality x; apply: fg. Qed.

(* Actually unused for now... *)
Section Order.

Context [A : choiceType].
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -249,32 +226,18 @@ End Def.

(** Semantic evaluation of code and commands *)
Section Evaluation.
Notation M := (Def.stsubdistr heap_choiceType).

#[local] Open Scope fset.
#[local] Open Scope fset_scope.

Context (Loc : {fset Location}).
Context (import : Interface).

(* Local shorter names for code and semantics *)
Let C := code Loc import.
Let M := Def.stsubdistr heap_choiceType.

(** Taking an interpretation of the imported operation as assumption *)
Context (import_eval : ∀ o, o \in import → src o → M (tgt o)).

(* Multiple attempts for evaluation. In the end it looks simpler
defining evaluation on raw_code, and providing the adequate
rules/hoare triples only on valid code.
(** Assume an interpretation of operations *)
Context (eval_op : ∀ o, src o → M (tgt o)).

Definition eval [A : choiceType] : raw_code A → M A.
- apply: Def.ret.
- intros o x k ih.
apply: (bool_depelim _ (o \in import) _ (λ _ _, dnull)) => oval.
exact (Def.bind (import_eval o oval x) ih).
exact (Def.bind (eval_op o x) ih).
- intros l k ih.
exact (λ map, let v := get_heap map l in ih v map).
- intros l v k ih.
Expand All @@ -283,58 +246,25 @@ Section Evaluation.
exact (λ map, \dlet_(x <- sampleX) ih x map).

(* Definition eval [A : choiceType] : C A -> M A. *)
(* Proof. *)
(* move=> []; elim. *)
(* - move=> a _ ; exact (ret _ a). *)
(* - move=> o x k ih /inversion_valid_opr [oval kval]. *)
(* exact (bind _ (import_eval o oval x) (fun v => ih v (kval v))). *)
(* - move=> l k ih /inversion_valid_getr [lval kval]. *)
(* exact (bind _ (fun map => dunit (get_heap map l, map)) *)
(* (fun v => ih v (kval v))). *)
(* - move=> l v k ih /inversion_valid_putr[lval kval]. *)
(* exact (bind _ (fun map => dunit (tt, set_heap map l v)) (fun=> ih kval)). *)
(* - move=> [X sampleX] ++/inversion_valid_sampler. *)
(* rewrite /Arit=> /=k ih kval. *)
(* exact (bind _ (fun s => \dlet_(x <- sampleX) dunit (x, s)) (fun x => ih x (kval x))). *)
(* Defined. *)

(* Definition eval [A : choiceType] : C A -> M A. *)
(* Proof. *)
(* move=> []; elim. *)
(* - move=> a _ ; exact (Def.ret a). *)
(* - move=> o x k ih /inversion_valid_opr [oval kval]. *)
(* exact (Def.bind (import_eval o oval x) (fun v => ih v (kval v))). *)
(* - move=> l k ih /inversion_valid_getr [lval kval]. *)
(* exact (fun map => let v := get_heap map l in ih v (kval v) map). *)
(* - move=> l v k ih /inversion_valid_putr[lval kval]. *)
(* exact (fun map => ih kval (set_heap map l v)). *)
(* - move=> [X sampleX] ++/inversion_valid_sampler. *)
(* rewrite /Arit=> /=k ih kval. *)
(* exact (fun map => \dlet_(x <- sampleX) ih x (kval x) map). *)
(* Defined. *)

(** Hoare triples *)

Definition precondition := pred heap.
Definition postcondition A := pred (A * heap).

Definition unary_judgement [A : choiceType] (pre : precondition) (c : C A) (post : postcondition A) : Prop :=
Definition unary_judgement [A : choiceType] (pre : precondition) (c : raw_code A) (post : postcondition A) : Prop :=
forall map, pre map -> forall p, (eval c map p <> 0)%R -> post p.

Declare Scope Rules_scope.

(* @théo Is there a binding key for the package_scope ?*)
Open Scope package_scope.

(* Is there a way to have a version with and without binder for the result in
parallel ? *)
(* Notation "⊨ ⦃ pre ⦄ c ⦃ post ⦄" := *)
(* (unary_judgement pre {code c} (post)) *)
(* : Rules_scope. *)

Notation "⊨ ⦃ pre ⦄ c ⦃ p , post ⦄" :=
(unary_judgement pre {code c} (fun p => post))
(unary_judgement pre c (fun p => post))
(p pattern) : Rules_scope.
Open Scope Rules_scope.

Expand All @@ -358,26 +288,21 @@ Section Evaluation.
[pred pf | `[< exists p, postm p ==> postf p.1 pf >]].

(* the "difficult" part of the effect observation: commutation with bind *)
Lemma eval_bind [A B : choiceType] (m : C A) (f : A -> C B) :
eval {code bind m f} = Def.bind (eval m) (eval (A:=B) \o f).
Lemma eval_bind [A B : choiceType] (m : raw_code A) (f : A -> raw_code B) :
eval (bind m f) = Def.bind (eval m) (eval (A:=B) \o f).
case: m=> []; elim=> //=.
- move=> ??; rewrite Def.bind_ret /comp; f_equal.
- move=> o?? ih /inversion_valid_opr [oval kval].
rewrite 2!bool_depelim_true -Def.bind_bind; f_equal.
extensionality x; apply: ih; apply: kval.
- move=> l k ih /inversion_valid_getr [lval kval].
extensionality map; rewrite (ih _ (kval _)) //.
- move=> l c k ih /inversion_valid_putr [lval kval].
extensionality map; rewrite (ih kval) //.
- move=> [X sampleX] k ih /inversion_valid_sampler kval.
extensionality map. rewrite /Def.bind.
elim: m=> //=.
- move=> ?; rewrite Def.bind_ret /comp; f_equal.
- move=> o?? ih; rewrite -Def.bind_bind; apply: Def.bind_ext=> x; apply: ih.
- move=> l k ih; extensionality map; rewrite (ih _) //.
- move=> l c k ih; extensionality map; rewrite ih //.
- move=> [X sampleX] k ih; extensionality map. rewrite /Def.bind.
apply: distr_ext=> z; rewrite dlet_dlet. do 2 f_equal.
extensionality x; rewrite (ih x _) //.
extensionality x; rewrite (ih x) //.

Lemma bind_rule [A B : choiceType] (m : C A) (f : A -> C B) prem postm pref postf:
Lemma bind_rule [A B : choiceType] (m : raw_code A) (f : A -> raw_code B) prem postm pref postf:
⊨ ⦃ prem ⦄ m ⦃ p, postm p ⦄ ->
(forall a, ⊨ ⦃ pref a ⦄ f a ⦃ p, postf a p ⦄) ->
⊨ ⦃ bind_pre prem postm pref ⦄ bind m f ⦃ p, bind_post postm postf p ⦄.
Expand All @@ -395,7 +320,7 @@ Section Evaluation.
Lemma weaken_rule
[A : choiceType]
[pre wkpre : precondition]
(c : C A)
(c : raw_code A)
[post wkpost : postcondition A] :
subpred wkpre pre ->
subpred post wkpost ->
Expand All @@ -410,3 +335,29 @@ Section Evaluation.
(* To continue: get rule, put rule, sampling rule, rule for imported operations ? *)

End Evaluation.

Section ScopedImportEval.
#[local] Open Scope fset.
#[local] Open Scope fset_scope.

Notation M := (Def.stsubdistr heap_choiceType).

Context (import : Interface).

(** Taking an interpretation of the imported operation as assumption *)
Context (import_eval : ∀ o, o \in import → src o → M (tgt o)).

Definition eval_op : forall o, src o -> M (tgt o) :=
fun o => bool_depelim _ (o \in import) (fun oval => import_eval o oval) (fun _ _ => Def.stsubnull _ _).

Let eval := (eval eval_op).

(* Problem: the notation for the judgement is parametrized by eval, how can I
have access to this notation instantiated with eval without redefining it ?
Use a functor ?*)

(* TODO: Add spec and Rule for imported operations *)

End ScopedImportEval.

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