In this project the model with the input either as a live feed from any camera or a video file ,can detect the number of people at that instant as shown in the below video
This is an end to end project , python's Streamlit framework is used.
The works with YOLOV4 Model.
Down below , the sample output of a video file.
As the name yolo(You only look once) tells, The total prediction of image is completed in one forward propogation(one run).
The yolov is built with convolutional neural networks.The yolov algoritham divides the image in to specific grids of equal areas and these grids are used for detection.
These grids predict the co-ordinates of the grid, object label and probability.But as there are many cells predicting the main object, there will be multiple bounding boxes for the same object , to solve this problem the algoritham uses the simple non maximal suppression technique.
Non maximal suppression technique bascically means , it takes a look at all the bounding boxes of an object in the image and selects the the box which has the highest probability , then it removes the all the boxes which overlap with the selected box thus getting the best bounding box.
Yolo architecture contains 24 convolutional neural networks and to fully connected neural networks.