Testing Grounds for my thesis project
Unsure what use anyone else will have for this, but here it is.
04/27/2023 Cleanup and Adding "ScaleAndStitch" testing file
- Solved scaling issues
- solved mirroring issues
- deleted unused testing files to free up Data space
- Implemented ScaleAndStitch to solve mirroring and scaling simultanously
- Added "loadNote()" method to Box Class to handle randomization of Sound sets
- Added additional sound set in "sounds" array
- Moved initialization of Sound arrays into Box constructor
04/05/2023 Added SimpleTest sketch for easier testing
- Fixed collision detection (mostly)
- Fixed Edge Bounce method to actually function
- added Ramdon letter generation to the Box class
- Started writing Sound class
03/23/2023 Added Testing Ground folder, reorganized files
- Added different iterations of VideoCollision for work on both Intel(Laptop) and Apple Silicon(Destkop)
- Added library files for Box2D and OpenKinect
- restructured testing grounds for clarity/ease of Use
- Started using Testing Grounds for the actual purpose.
03/21/2023 Updated to include VideoCollisionTest1 folder, including the Box class
See change history for VideoCollision2 for more details about changes.
- vector motion, simple collision
- stable "lookUnder" monitoring
- optimized PImage pixel array search
03/13/2023 Created Repository, added PDE Files and .WAV files to one master folder.
TODO Optimize Collision Point calculation and vector generation