Code Easy
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is an bunch of colors that you can use names of HexColors. This CSS file can help people that cant remember or memorize the HexColors! We have named and will continue to name all HexColors.
- Include the stylesheet on your document's
<link rel="stylesheet" href="HexColorNames.css">
- Instead of installing you may use the remote version
<link rel="stylesheet"
To use the colors you must named HTML clasess with the name of color. But before the color name you must add the text Color and than the name of color. Also the colors can use as a background, adding the background before the color name!
Color Example:
<div class="ColorDarkRed"> This is a Dark Red Color</div>
Background Example:
<div class="BackgroudnDarkRed"> This is a Dark Red Background</div>
Pull requests are the way to go here. Before submitting a pull let us see a demo of submitted animations in a pen.