This project demonstrates how to interface the MPU6050 sensor with an ESP32 microcontroller using the I2C protocol. The Code initializes the MPU6050, reads data from its Accelerometer and Gyroscope, and logs the results using the ESP-IDF Framework.
- Introduction
- Features
- Hardware Required
- Software Required
- Wiring Diagram
- Installation and Setup
- Usage
The MPU6050 is a popular sensor that combines a 3-axis accelerometer and a 3-axis gyroscope. This project illustrates how to set up the MPU6050 with an ESP32 microcontroller to read the sensor data and log it using the ESP-IDF Framework.
- I2C communication with MPU6050 sensor.
- Initialization and configuration of the MPU6050.
- Reading accelerometer and gyroscope data.
- Logging sensor data to the console.
- ESP32 Development Board
- MPU6050 Sensor Module
- Jumper Wires
- Breadboard
- ESP-IDF v4.4.4 (or compatible version)
- VS Code with ESP-IDF Plugin (optional)
- Serial Monitor (ESP-IDF Framework)
Here is the wiring configuration:
MPU6050 Pin | ESP32 Pin |
VCC | 3.3V |
SCL | GPIO 22 |
SDA | GPIO 21 |
git clone
cd mpu6050-esp32 set-target esp32 build flash monitor
After flashing the firmware, the ESP32 will start reading data from the MPU6050 sensor
and log the accelerometer and gyroscope
values to the console every second.
The output will look like this:
I (1234) MPU6050: Accel: (123, 456, 789), Gyro: (-123, -456, -789)