👋 Hi, I'm Sakshi!
I'm a Data Scientist and Analyst. I enjoy working on Predictive Analytics,Data Visualization,Machine Learning and Business Intelligence. I am Passionate about exploring data, deriving insights, and building predictive models. Proficient in Python, Java, and various data analysis libraries such as NumPy, Pandas, and Matplotlib.
🌱 Currently, I'm focused on learning Advanced Machine Learning Techniques, Cloud Computing and Big Data Technologies and different Data Visulization Tools. I believe in continuous learning and staying updated with the latest technologies and trends.
💞️ I'm open to collaborating on projects related to data science, analytics and machine learning. I believe in the power of collaboration and enjoy working with like-minded individuals and teams to create impactful solutions.
📫 You can reach me via my email [email protected]. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions, collaboration opportunities, or just want to connect!