This project it's about performing a lane detection using a combination of filters (Computer Vision) in order to detect the lanes in an arbitrary image. I know machine learning its more precise, but takes a lot of time in order to produce results, moreover, needs big datasets.
For a more detailed explanation of how the algorithm it's implemented you can visit Lane detection with Computer Vision in Python
- OpenCV
- Numpy
- SciPy
This work it's based on the paper[2], in the original paper they used a Sobel filter in order to obtain the straight lines in the images. What I use in this work is a Laplacian filter with an auxiliary step with Gaussian filter.
Algorithm Workflow
How it works the algorithm
Original Image
We start with an arbitrary input image.
Original Image
Grey Blurred Image
We standardize the size in order to make easy the next transformations, with this
image we transform it from RGB to Gray ([n,n,3] -> [n,n,1] space transformation).
Next we denoise the image with the Gaussian filter. To make easy the search of the
lanes we need to perform a Bird Eye transformation, see [2].
Gaussian Filtered Image
Bird's Eye perspective transformation
Laplace Filter
We apply a Laplacian filter to find the vertical lines.
Laplacian filter applied.
HSL Threshold We threshold the image in HSL space with the L channel (Luminance) to select the white/yellow regions (lane marks). The HSL transformation its performed from the original RGB image.
RGB Perspective transformation
HSL Thresholding with the L channel.
Sliding Window Searching
We combine the masks previously obtained to make the final mask, this final mask is
going to be analyzed in order to find the continuous lines in the image and draw our lane.
Sliding window searching
Drawed Lane
Once we found the lines, it's time to apply draw this figure in the original image,
to do this we need to perform the inverse Perspective transformation.
Final Result
This algorithm shows a well performance under good light conditions, but is awful with other images, this solution is worst than Machine Learning techniques, but need too much less resources, and it's easier to implement. I think it worth the lack of accuracy under certain scenarios.
[1] H. Singh, Practical Machine Learning and Image Processing: For Facial Recognition, Object Detection, and Pattern Recognition Using Python. Berkeley, CA: Apress, 2019 [Online]. Disponible en: [Accedido: 23-ene-2021]
[2] K. Dinakaran, A. Stephen Sagayaraj, S. K. Kabilesh, T. Mani, A. Anandkumar, y G. Chandrasekaran, «Advanced lane detection technique for structural highway based on computer vision algorithm», Materials Today: Proceedings, p. S2214785320373302, oct. 2020, doi: 10.1016/j.matpr.2020.09.605.