A Discord bot that integrates with twitch to pass chat messages back and foward and provide other integrations. Uses tmi.js & discord.js see their respective documentations for info.
Created for my twitch streamer friend POJ hence the name.
This is a very early version, 2 way chat is working and you can configure the twitch connection from your discord guild using:
Apart from that there is not much to see, this is my first Node JS project so the code architecture will improve over time.
Medium term plans include:
- Twitch API features (Stats and Clips to start with)
- Documentation
- A Travis file
- Tests!
Before starting you will need the following
- Node Js Installed
- A token for your discord bot
- A Twitch account for your bot with a client id and an oauth token.
- A Discord guild (Thats what the servers are called) for testing
- Optional: A personal twich account for testing
If you have these or know how to get them you can skip the next section
- Create an application in Discord Developers
- TODO: Finish this guide
- Take the secret.json.template and rename it to secret.json
- Fill it in with your Discord Bot Token, Bot's Twitch Account OAUTH and Twitch Client Id
Choose your prefered command prefix, twitch-chat channel name and your twitch bot user name. Though the defaults should work fine.
npm update
node index.js
Note: The app will run indefinatly in your command line, if you plan to use it keep it running on a Rasberry Pi or a server that stays on.