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We use machine learning techniques for game recognition in live to automate the change of game category and title on Twitch!

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Cloud formation

aws cloudformation deploy \
   --template-file infrastructure/ecs.yml \
   --region <YOUR-REGION> \
   --stack-name <CHOOSE-A-NAME for Stack> \
   --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM

Check the status at: . Wait until Status become CREATE_COMPLETE

Create the Buckets and upload the f/e, follow the frontend/

Deploy the microservices

Now we need to:

  1. Create a repository in ECR
  2. Build, tag and push the code
  3. Create a Task Definition in ECS
  4. Configure the load balancer with targets groups
  5. Create a Serivce in ECS

Follow every single

Write the rules for load balancer

aws elbv2 create-target-group\
   --region <YOUR-REGION>\
   --name drop-traffic\
   --protocol HTTP\
   --port 80\
   --vpc-id <YOUR-VPC-ID>\
   --healthy-threshold-count 2\
   --unhealthy-threshold-count 2\
   --health-check-timeout-seconds 5\
   --health-check-interval-seconds 6

Add a Listener to the ALB

  • Navigate to the Load Balancer section of the EC2 Console.
  • Select the Load Balancer details.
  • Select the Listeners tab.
  • Select Add listener and edit the following parameters as needed:
    • For Protocol:port, select HTTP and enter 80.
    • For Default action(s), select Forward to and in the Target group field, enter drop-traffic.
  • Select Save.

Update Listener Rules There should only be one listener listed in this tab. Take the following steps to edit the listener rules:

  • Under the Rules column, select View/edit rules.

  • On the Rules page, select the plus (+) button. The option to Insert Rule appears on the page.

  • Use the following rule template to insert the necessary rules which include one to maintain traffic to the monolith and one for each microservice:

  • IF Path = /api/v1/[service-name]* THEN Forward to [service-name] (For example: IF Path = /api/v1/users* THEN Forward to users)

  • Insert the rules in the following order:

    • history: /api/v1/history* forwards to history
    • webhook: /api/v1/webhook* forwards to webhook
    • users: /api/v1/users* forwards to users
  • Select Save.

  • Select the back arrow at the top left corner of the page to return to the load balancer console.

Create the lambda function, follow the lambda/

Create the table for DynamoDB, follow the dynamodb/

AWS Secrets Manager

We have also create a secret for store the Twitch client_id, anyway in the current deploy we get this value from config/main.js for backend/users and backend/history. A good idea is to remove the following config file and set the value as enviroment variable of the container. So, the task definition for users and history should have the following line in the Task Definition dedicated to the container:

"secrets": [
      "valueFrom": "arn:aws:secretsmanager:xxxxxx-<ARN-OF-YOUR-SECRET>",
      "name": "env_twitch_clientid"

For the lambda and other python script we have used directly boto3 for retrive the secret.

  1. Navigate to
  2. Right corner select Store a new secret
  3. Select secre type as: Other type of secret
  4. We have choose the plaintext mode It should be cheaper because we can store more info in a string instead of a key value pair
  "twitch": {
    "client_id": <YOUR-TWITCH-CLIENTID>
  1. Click on Next button.
  2. Choose a Secret name (twitch.client_id)
  3. We don't need the automatic rotation. Click on Next button.
  4. Click on Store button

AWS IAM & Policy (summary review)

Make sure that your roles have the correct policies For examples:

  • DynamoDB - Put, query, scan and insert
  • Labmbda - Invoke function
  • Secretmanager: GetSecretValue and Decrypt for kms
  • S3 - PutObject
  • CloudFormation - Write logs


We use machine learning techniques for game recognition in live to automate the change of game category and title on Twitch!






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