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SnapShop is a fully functional eCommerce website built using the MERN stack. The website includes features such as product listing, add to cart, admin panel, checkout page, user profile page, cart page, home page, product filtering, order page, and user authentication (login and sign-out). The website is designed to provide a seamless shopping experience for users and a robust management system for administrators.


-- Add to Cart: Users can add products to their cart for future purchase. -- Admin Panel: Admins have access to a dedicated panel to manage products, orders, and users. -- Checkout Page: Users can review their cart and proceed to payment. -- Profile Page: Users can view and edit their profile information. -- Cart Page: Displays all items added to the cart with the ability to adjust quantities. -- Home Page: Showcases featured products and categories. -- Filter: Users can filter products based on categories, price, and other attributes. -- Order Page: Users can view their order history and order details. -- Authentication: Secure login and sign-out functionality.


-- React: For building the structure of the webpage. -- Bootstrap: For styling the application. -- Stripe: For handling payments. -- Redux Toolkit: For state management. -- Swiper JS: For creating responsive sliders and carousels. -- React Hook Form: For managing forms and authentication. -- React Toast: For displaying alerts and notifications. -- React Router DOM: For routing between different pages.


-- Node.js: For running the server. -- Express.js: For building the backend APIs. -- MongoDB: For database management. -- Mongoose: For object data modeling (ODM). -- Nodemailer: For sending emails. -- Passport.js: For user authentication. -- JWT (JSON Web Tokens): For secure token-based authentication.


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