Social network made during my training as JavaScript full stack dev at Ifocop
- NodeJS
- MongoDB
- clone this repository with git or download it
- open a terminal and change directory to root of project
- then in terminal "npm install"
- again in terminal run this command "npm start"
- now you can access the project, enjoy.
LinkedCats uses a number of open source projects to work properly:
- Handlebars - Templating for the winner!
- Jquery - well known javascript front library
- - featuring the fastest and most reliable real-time engine
- Twitter Bootstrap - great UI boilerplate for modern web apps
- node.js - Javascript everywhere, based on v8 chrome
- Express - mini framework for node servers
- MomentJs - Manipulate Date and time like a wizard
- Mongodb - Document oriented database
- Mongoose - Abstract layer for node / mongodb
- multer - Upload image and more
- nodemailer - Email sanding made easier
- passport - Authentication midleware
Project's folder structure:
index.js => app startup point
routing.js => load app routing
app.js => main app third part configuration
conf.js => here all app config file are loaded
conf/ => config loaded in config.js
middlewares/ => custom middleware
controller/ => custom controller
models/ => mongoose models
public/ => public folder
routes/ => app routing
views/ => contain app views