This is the Front End of our Mid-way project for School of Code, we were presented with the task of creating an app that would help a bootcamper through this experience. After some discussion we decided to create an APP centered around meeting other bootcampers outside of Bootcamp Hours.
As of 28/6/2022 the app is not deployed and so you will have to run it locally to view.
Clone the project
git clone
Go to the project directory
cd my-app
Install dependencies
npm install
Start the server
npm start
For back end follow this link:
Working Features
- Login
- Guest login
- Create account
- Create event
- Logout (By clicking profile icon)
- Expand events on main page
- Filters work with execption of (Distance)
Features That Need Work:
- Cannot edit profiles
- Can't use search bar for events
- Uploading of images , for either profile or logo
- Converting post code into cordinates and map pinning
We have created buttons called Constructive Destructive and Neutral. Effectively it is based on the job the button does:
-Constructive generally creates something (A new User, Event or Log In)
-Destructive generally destroys something (Log Out, Delete or Edit Account)
-Neutral is more to do with updating. (Uploading a new picture or logo)
The colours below we hope will explain which is which and what there jobs are in terms of UI/UX
All of Our CSS is in one file (App.css) search through using cntrl + F or cmd + F then search for the styling you want, it is named semantically so to search for the logo styling type in logo and you will be taken to the correct styling section.