This Polarion extension provides additional functionality which is not implemented in standard Polarion API for some reason.
Starting from version 2.0.0 only latest version of Polarion is supported. Right now it is Polarion 2410.
Polarion project does not support setting custom fields out of the box. This API extension can be used to solve this problem.
This API can be called using REST API and in Velocity Context.
The latest version of the extension can be downloaded from the releases page and installed to Polarion instance without necessity to be compiled from the sources.
The extension should be copied to <polarion_home>/polarion/extensions/ch.sbb.polarion.extension.api-extender/eclipse/plugins
and changes will take effect after Polarion restart.
Don't forget to clear <polarion_home>/data/workspace/.config
folder after extension installation/update to make it work properly.
This extension can be produced using maven:
mvn clean package
To install the extension to Polarion ch.sbb.polarion.extension.api-extender-<version>.jar
should be copied to <polarion_home>/polarion/extensions/ch.sbb.polarion.extension.api-extender/eclipse/plugins
It can be done manually or automated using maven build:
mvn clean install -P install-to-local-polarion
For automated installation with maven env variable POLARION_HOME
should be defined and point to folder where Polarion is installed.
Changes only take effect after restart of Polarion.
This extension provides REST API. OpenAPI Specification can be obtained here.
Get version:
#set ($version = $customFieldsProject.getVersion())
#if ($version)
API Extender version = $version
#set ($version = $globalRecords.getVersion())
#if ($version)
API Extender version = $version
Get custom field value:
#set ($field = $customFieldsProject.getCustomField('elibrary', 'custom_field'))
#if ($field)
Get global record value:
#set ($field = $globalRecords.getRecord('record_name'))
#if ($field)
Due to Polarion limitations we are not able to save custom fields in Live Report Page using Velocity, but we can use JavaScript for this.
Set custom field value:
<input id='cfp_project' type='text' value='elibrary' name='project'/>
<input id='cfp_key' type='text' value='custom_field' name='key'/>
<input id='cfp_value' type='text' value='custom_value' name='value'/>
function save_project_custom_field() {
const project = document.getElementById('cfp_project').value;
const key = document.getElementById('cfp_key').value;
const value = document.getElementById('cfp_value').value;
const requestBody = (value === null || value === "") ? "" : JSON.stringify({'value': value});
fetch('/polarion/api-extender/rest/internal/projects/' + project + '/keys/' + key, {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Accept': 'application/json',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body: requestBody
.then(response => {
if (response.ok) {
return "Saved!"
} else {
return response.text()
.then(text => {
<button onclick='save_project_custom_field()'>Save</button>
Set global record value:
<input id='record_key' type='text' value='record_name' name='record_name'/>
<input id='record_value' type='text' value='record_value' name='record_value'/>
function save_record() {
const key = document.getElementById('record_key').value;
const value = document.getElementById('record_value').value;
const requestBody = (value === null || value === "") ? "" : JSON.stringify({'value': value});
fetch('/polarion/api-extender/rest/internal/records/' + key, {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Accept': 'application/json',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body: requestBody
}).then(response => {
if (response.ok) {
return "Saved!"
} else {
return response.text()
}).then(text => {
<button onclick='save_record()'>Save</button>
Note that internal API in URL should be used.
Get custom field value:
#set($projects = $projectService.searchProjects("","id"))
#foreach($project in $projects)
#set($projectId = $
#set($field = $customFieldsProject.getCustomField($projectId, 'custom_field'))
#if ($field)
$projectId custom_field = $field.getValue()
#set($field = false)
Get global record value:
Set custom field value:
$customFieldsProject.setCustomField('elibrary', 'custom_field', 'new_value')
Set global record value:
$globalRecords.setRecord('record_name', 'record_value')