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Python client that connects to a kafka queue and creates new datasets when receiving notification that a file has been written


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License: BSD 3-Clause

Scicat Ingestor

Scicat ingestor creates a raw dataset along with metadata using wrdn messages and scicat api whenever a new file is written by a file-writer.


git clone
cd scicat-ingestor
pip install -e .  # It will allow you to use entry-points of the scripts,
                  # defined in ``pyproject.toml``, under ``[project.scripts]`` section.

How to RUN

All commands have prefix of scicat so that you can use auto-complete in a terminal.

Each command is connected to a free function in a module. It is defined in pyproject.toml, under [project.scripts] section.

All scripts parse the system arguments and configuration in the same way.

Online ingestor (Highest level interface)

You can start the ingestor daemon with certain configurations.

It will continuously process wrdn messages and ingest the corresponding nexus files.

scicat_ingestor --logging.verbose -c PATH_TO_CONFIGURATION_FILE.yaml

A topic can contain non-wrdn message so the ingestor filters messages and ignores irrelevant types of messages.

See configuration for how to use configuration files.

Background ingestor (Lower level interface)

You can also run the ingestor file by file.

You need to know the path to the nexus file you want to ingest and also the path to the done_writing_message_file as a json file.

scicat_background_ingestor \
    --logging.verbose \
    --nexus-file PATH_TO_THE_NEXUS_FILE.nxs \
    --done-writing-message-file PATH_TO_THE_MESSAGE_FILE.json

Dry run

You can add --ingestion.dry-run flag for dry-run testings.

scicat_ingestor --logging.verbose -c PATH_TO_CONFIGURATION_FILE.yaml --ingestion.dry-run
scicat_background_ingestor \
    --logging.verbose \
    --nexus-file PATH_TO_THE_NEXUS_FILE.nxs \
    --done-writing-message-file PATH_TO_THE_MESSAGE_FILE.json \


You can use a json file to configure options. There is a template, resources/config.sample.json you can copy/paste to make your own configuration file.

In order to update the configurations, you should update it the scicat_configuration module.

The template file can be synchronized automatically by scicat_synchronize_config command.

There is a unit test that checks if the online ingestor configuration dataclass is in sync with the resources/config.sample.json.

Configuration Validator

You can validate a configuration file with scicat_validate_ingestor_config command.


It tries building nested configuration dataclasses from the configuration file.

It will throw errors if configuration is invalid.

i.e. In the operation, it'll ignore extra keywords that do not match the configuration dataclass arguments but validator throws an error if there are extra keywords that do not match the arguments.

This is part of CI tests.

Developer's Guide

Virtual Environments

We use pip-compile-multi to maintain the pip recipes under requirements. Each *.in files have the dependencies for specific purposes and *.txt files are compiled frozen dependencies. is auto-generated by script based on pyproject.toml, but you can add/pin dependencies manually above the marker in the file.

We use tox command, tox -e deps to freeze the dependencies.

Pre-commit Hooks

We use pre-commit for formatting and static analysis of the code. Once you clone the repository and set up the virtual environment (i.e. installed requirements/dev.txt) you need to install pre-commit by

pre-commit install

pre-commit will be hooked whenever you make a git commit and screen the files of interest.

It will not pass CI test if pre-commit complains. If you want to push the change while having a PR open, even if you know that pre-commit hooks fail, you can add [ci-skip] tag in your commit and CI action will be skipped.

Copier Template

This repository was based on scipp/copier_template. We can apply common updates/dependency updates using

copier update


We use github release to create a new tag and release notes. Typically we do not include dependabot PRs from the auto generated release notes.

Release versions are calendar version. For example, if it is 27.01.2025 and if it is the first version of this month, the version will be v25.01.0. If another release or a patch release is made within the same month, the minor version can increase, i.e. v25.01.1.


tox controls virtual environment and commands for various purposes. Developers and CI actions can use the command. For example, tox -e docs builds documentation under ./html directory and tox -e py310 will run unit tests with python version 3.10.


(Architecture Decision Records)

ADR-001: Use dataclass instead of jinja or dict to create dataset/data-block instances.

We need a dict-like template to create dataset/data-block instances via scicat APIs.

Reason for not using dict

It used to be implemented with dict but it didn't have any verifying layer so anyone could easily break the instances without noticing or causing errors in the upstream layers.

Reason for not using jinja

Jinja template could handle a bit more complicated logic within the template, i.e. for loop or if statement could be applied to the variables. However, the dataset/data-block instances are not complicated to utilize these features of jinja.

Reason for using dataclasses.dataclass

First we did try using jinja but the dataset/data-block instances are simple enough so we replaced jinja template with dataclass. dataclass can verify name and type (if we use static checks) of each field. It can be easily turned into a nested dictionary using dataclasses.asdict function.

Downside of using dataclass instead of jinja

With jinja template, certain fields could be skipped based on a variable. However, it is not possible in the dataclass so it will need extra handling after turning it to a dictionary. For example, each datafile item can have chk field, but this field shouldn't exist if checksum was not derived. With jinja template we could handle this like below

    "path": "{{ path }}",
    "size": {{ size }},
    "time": "{{ time }}",
    {% if chk %}"chk": "{{ chk }}"{% endif %}

However, with dataclass this should be handled like below.

from dataclasses import dataclass, asdict
class DataFileItem:
    path: str
    size: int
    time: str
    chk: None | str = None

data_file_item = {
    k: v
    for k, v in asdict(DataFileItem('./', 1, '00:00')).items()
    if (k!='chk' or v is not None)


Python client that connects to a kafka queue and creates new datasets when receiving notification that a file has been written







