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feat: add Parameter estimation capability in NNODE
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sathvikbhagavan committed Feb 3, 2024
1 parent 75de428 commit 796ee4d
Showing 1 changed file with 46 additions and 32 deletions.
78 changes: 46 additions & 32 deletions src/ode_solve.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ of the physics-informed neural network which is used as a solver for a standard
at a time. `batch>0` means the neural network is applied at a row vector of values
`t` simultaneously, i.e. it's the batch size for the neural network evaluations.
This requires a neural network compatible with batched data.
* `param_estim`: Boolean to indicate whether parameters of the differential equations are learnt along with parameters of the neural network.
* `strategy`: The training strategy used to choose the points for the evaluations.
Default of `nothing` means that `QuadratureTraining` with QuadGK is used if no
`dt` is given, and `GridTraining` is used with `dt` if given.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -71,7 +72,7 @@ is an accurate interpolation (up to the neural network training result). In addi
Lagaris, Isaac E., Aristidis Likas, and Dimitrios I. Fotiadis. "Artificial neural networks for solving
ordinary and partial differential equations." IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks 9, no. 5 (1998): 987-1000.
struct NNODE{C, O, P, B, K, AL <: Union{Nothing, Function},
struct NNODE{C, O, P, B, PE, K, AL <: Union{Nothing, Function},
S <: Union{Nothing, AbstractTrainingStrategy},
} <:
Expand All @@ -81,14 +82,15 @@ struct NNODE{C, O, P, B, K, AL <: Union{Nothing, Function},
function NNODE(chain, opt, init_params = nothing;
strategy = nothing,
autodiff = false, batch = nothing, additional_loss = nothing, kwargs...)
autodiff = false, batch = nothing, param_estim = false, additional_loss = nothing, kwargs...)
!(chain isa Lux.AbstractExplicitLayer) && (chain = Lux.transform(chain))
NNODE(chain, opt, init_params, autodiff, batch, strategy, additional_loss, kwargs)
NNODE(chain, opt, init_params, autodiff, batch, strategy, param_estim, additional_loss, kwargs)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -119,29 +121,29 @@ end

function (f::ODEPhi{C, T, U})(t::Number,
θ) where {C <: Lux.AbstractExplicitLayer, T, U <: Number}
y, st = f.chain(adapt(parameterless_type(ComponentArrays.getdata(θ)), [t]), θ,
y, st = f.chain(adapt(parameterless_type(ComponentArrays.getdata.depvar)), [t]), θ.depvar,
ChainRulesCore.@ignore_derivatives = st
f.u0 + (t - f.t0) * first(y)

function (f::ODEPhi{C, T, U})(t::AbstractVector,
θ) where {C <: Lux.AbstractExplicitLayer, T, U <: Number}
# Batch via data as row vectors
y, st = f.chain(adapt(parameterless_type(ComponentArrays.getdata(θ)), t'), θ,
y, st = f.chain(adapt(parameterless_type(ComponentArrays.getdata.depvar)), t'), θ.depvar,
ChainRulesCore.@ignore_derivatives = st
f.u0 .+ (t' .- f.t0) .* y

function (f::ODEPhi{C, T, U})(t::Number, θ) where {C <: Lux.AbstractExplicitLayer, T, U}
y, st = f.chain(adapt(parameterless_type(ComponentArrays.getdata(θ)), [t]), θ,
y, st = f.chain(adapt(parameterless_type(ComponentArrays.getdata.depvar)), [t]), θ.depvar,
ChainRulesCore.@ignore_derivatives = st
f.u0 .+ (t .- f.t0) .* y

function (f::ODEPhi{C, T, U})(t::AbstractVector,
θ) where {C <: Lux.AbstractExplicitLayer, T, U}
# Batch via data as row vectors
y, st = f.chain(adapt(parameterless_type(ComponentArrays.getdata(θ)), t'), θ,
y, st = f.chain(adapt(parameterless_type(ComponentArrays.getdata.depvar)), t'), θ.depvar,
ChainRulesCore.@ignore_derivatives = st
f.u0 .+ (t' .- f.t0) .* y
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -187,28 +189,32 @@ Simple L2 inner loss at a time `t` with parameters `θ` of the neural network.
function inner_loss end

function inner_loss(phi::ODEPhi{C, T, U}, f, autodiff::Bool, t::Number, θ,
p) where {C, T, U <: Number}
sum(abs2, ode_dfdx(phi, t, θ, autodiff) - f(phi(t, θ), p, t))
p, param_estim) where {C, T, U <: Number}
p_ = param_estim ? θ.p : p
sum(abs2, ode_dfdx(phi, t, θ, autodiff) - f(phi(t, θ), p_, t))

function inner_loss(phi::ODEPhi{C, T, U}, f, autodiff::Bool, t::AbstractVector, θ,
p) where {C, T, U <: Number}
p, param_estim) where {C, T, U <: Number}
p_ = param_estim ? θ.p : p
out = phi(t, θ)
fs = reduce(hcat, [f(out[i], p, t[i]) for i in axes(out, 2)])
fs = reduce(hcat, [f(out[i], p_, t[i]) for i in axes(out, 2)])
dxdtguess = Array(ode_dfdx(phi, t, θ, autodiff))
sum(abs2, dxdtguess .- fs) / length(t)

function inner_loss(phi::ODEPhi{C, T, U}, f, autodiff::Bool, t::Number, θ,
p) where {C, T, U}
sum(abs2, ode_dfdx(phi, t, θ, autodiff) .- f(phi(t, θ), p, t))
p, param_estim) where {C, T, U}
p_ = param_estim ? θ.p : p
sum(abs2, ode_dfdx(phi, t, θ, autodiff) .- f(phi(t, θ), p_, t))

function inner_loss(phi::ODEPhi{C, T, U}, f, autodiff::Bool, t::AbstractVector, θ,
p) where {C, T, U}
p, param_estim) where {C, T, U}
p_ = param_estim ? θ.p : p
out = Array(phi(t, θ))
arrt = Array(t)
fs = reduce(hcat, [f(out[:, i], p, arrt[i]) for i in 1:size(out, 2)])
fs = reduce(hcat, [f(out[:, i], p_, arrt[i]) for i in 1:size(out, 2)])
dxdtguess = Array(ode_dfdx(phi, t, θ, autodiff))
sum(abs2, dxdtguess .- fs) / length(t)
Expand All @@ -219,10 +225,10 @@ end
Representation of the loss function, parametric on the training strategy `strategy`.
function generate_loss(strategy::QuadratureTraining, phi, f, autodiff::Bool, tspan, p,
integrand(t::Number, θ) = abs2(inner_loss(phi, f, autodiff, t, θ, p))
batch, param_estim)
integrand(t::Number, θ) = abs2(inner_loss(phi, f, autodiff, t, θ, p, param_estim))

integrand(ts, θ) = [abs2(inner_loss(phi, f, autodiff, t, θ, p)) for t in ts]
integrand(ts, θ) = [abs2(inner_loss(phi, f, autodiff, t, θ, p, param_estim)) for t in ts]
@assert batch == 0 # not implemented

function loss(θ, _)
Expand All @@ -234,39 +240,39 @@ function generate_loss(strategy::QuadratureTraining, phi, f, autodiff::Bool, tsp
return loss

function generate_loss(strategy::GridTraining, phi, f, autodiff::Bool, tspan, p, batch)
function generate_loss(strategy::GridTraining, phi, f, autodiff::Bool, tspan, p, batch, param_estim)
ts = tspan[1]:(strategy.dx):tspan[2]
# sum(abs2,inner_loss(t,θ) for t in ts) but Zygote generators are broken
autodiff && throw(ArgumentError("autodiff not supported for GridTraining."))
function loss(θ, _)
if batch
sum(abs2, inner_loss(phi, f, autodiff, ts, θ, p))
sum(abs2, inner_loss(phi, f, autodiff, ts, θ, p, param_estim))
sum(abs2, [inner_loss(phi, f, autodiff, t, θ, p) for t in ts])
sum(abs2, [inner_loss(phi, f, autodiff, t, θ, p, param_estim) for t in ts])
return loss

function generate_loss(strategy::StochasticTraining, phi, f, autodiff::Bool, tspan, p,
batch, param_estim)
# sum(abs2,inner_loss(t,θ) for t in ts) but Zygote generators are broken
autodiff && throw(ArgumentError("autodiff not supported for StochasticTraining."))
function loss(θ, _)
ts = adapt(parameterless_type(θ),
[(tspan[2] - tspan[1]) * rand() + tspan[1] for i in 1:(strategy.points)])

if batch
sum(abs2, inner_loss(phi, f, autodiff, ts, θ, p))
sum(abs2, inner_loss(phi, f, autodiff, ts, θ, p, param_estim))
sum(abs2, [inner_loss(phi, f, autodiff, t, θ, p) for t in ts])
sum(abs2, [inner_loss(phi, f, autodiff, t, θ, p, param_estim) for t in ts])
return loss

function generate_loss(strategy::WeightedIntervalTraining, phi, f, autodiff::Bool, tspan, p,
batch, param_estim)
autodiff && throw(ArgumentError("autodiff not supported for WeightedIntervalTraining."))
minT = tspan[1]
maxT = tspan[2]
Expand All @@ -289,22 +295,22 @@ function generate_loss(strategy::WeightedIntervalTraining, phi, f, autodiff::Boo

function loss(θ, _)
if batch
sum(abs2, inner_loss(phi, f, autodiff, ts, θ, p))
sum(abs2, inner_loss(phi, f, autodiff, ts, θ, p, param_estim))
sum(abs2, [inner_loss(phi, f, autodiff, t, θ, p) for t in ts])
sum(abs2, [inner_loss(phi, f, autodiff, t, θ, p, param_estim) for t in ts])
return loss

function evaluate_tstops_loss(phi, f, autodiff::Bool, tstops, p, batch)
function evaluate_tstops_loss(phi, f, autodiff::Bool, tstops, p, batch, param_estim)

# sum(abs2,inner_loss(t,θ) for t in ts) but Zygote generators are broken
function loss(θ, _)
if batch
sum(abs2, inner_loss(phi, f, autodiff, tstops, θ, p))
sum(abs2, inner_loss(phi, f, autodiff, tstops, θ, p, param_estim))
sum(abs2, [inner_loss(phi, f, autodiff, t, θ, p) for t in tstops])
sum(abs2, [inner_loss(phi, f, autodiff, t, θ, p, param_estim) for t in tstops])
return loss
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -351,6 +357,7 @@ function DiffEqBase.__solve(prob::DiffEqBase.AbstractODEProblem,
f = prob.f
p = prob.p
t0 = tspan[1]
param_estim = alg.param_estim

#hidden layer
chain = alg.chain
Expand All @@ -363,6 +370,12 @@ function DiffEqBase.__solve(prob::DiffEqBase.AbstractODEProblem,
!(chain isa Lux.AbstractExplicitLayer) && error("Only Lux.AbstractExplicitLayer neural networks are supported")
phi, init_params = generate_phi_θ(chain, t0, u0, init_params)

init_params = if alg.param_estim
ComponentArrays.ComponentArray(; depvar = ComponentArrays.ComponentArray(init_params), p = prob.p)
ComponentArrays.ComponentArray(; depvar = ComponentArrays.ComponentArray(init_params))

isinplace(prob) && throw(error("The NNODE solver only supports out-of-place ODE definitions, i.e. du=f(u,p,t)."))

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -398,8 +411,9 @@ function DiffEqBase.__solve(prob::DiffEqBase.AbstractODEProblem,

inner_f = generate_loss(strategy, phi, f, autodiff, tspan, p, batch)
inner_f = generate_loss(strategy, phi, f, autodiff, tspan, p, batch, param_estim)
additional_loss = alg.additional_loss
(param_estim && isnothing(additional_loss)) && throw(ArgumentError("Please provide `additional_loss` in `NNODE` for parameter estimation (`param_estim` is true)."))

# Creates OptimizationFunction Object from total_loss
function total_loss(θ, _)
Expand All @@ -409,7 +423,7 @@ function DiffEqBase.__solve(prob::DiffEqBase.AbstractODEProblem,
if !(tstops isa Nothing)
num_tstops_points = length(tstops)
tstops_loss_func = evaluate_tstops_loss(phi, f, autodiff, tstops, p, batch)
tstops_loss_func = evaluate_tstops_loss(phi, f, autodiff, tstops, p, batch, param_estim)
tstops_loss = tstops_loss_func(θ, phi)
if strategy isa GridTraining
num_original_points = length(tspan[1]:(strategy.dx):tspan[2])
Expand Down

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