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Add primes module
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Prime numbers are an essential building block of many algorithms in diverse areas such as cryptography, digital communications and many others.

This module adds the following functions:
- primes: Procedure to generate lists of primes upto a certain value.
- factor: Procedure which returns a Tensor containing the prime factors of the input.
- isprime: Single element and element-wise procedures that return true when their inputs are prime numbers.
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AngelEzquerra authored and Vindaar committed Jun 16, 2024
1 parent 972d84a commit 469c878
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201 changes: 201 additions & 0 deletions scinim/primes.nim
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@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
## Module that implements several procedures related to prime numbers
## Prime numbers are an essential building block of many algorithms in diverse
## areas such as cryptography, digital communications and many others.
## This module adds a function to generate rank-1 tensors of primes upto a
## certain value; as well as a function to calculate the prime factors of a
## number.

import arraymancer

proc primes*[T: SomeInteger | SomeFloat](upto: T): Tensor[T] =
## Generate a Tensor of prime numbers up to a certain value
## Return a Tensor of the prime numbers less than or equal to `upto`.
## A prime number is one that has no factors other than 1 and itself.
## Input:
## - upto: Integer up to which primes will be generated
## Result:
## - Integer Tensor of prime values less than or equal to `upto`
## Note:
## - This function implements a "half" Sieve of Erathostenes algorithm
## which is a classical Sieve of Erathostenes in which only odd numbers
## are checked. Many examples of this algorithm can be found online.
## It also stops checking after sqrt(upto)
## - The memory required by this procedure is proportional to the input
## number.
when T is SomeFloat:
if upto != round(upto):
raise newException(ValueError,
"`upto` value (" & $upto & ") must be a whole number")

if upto < 11:
# Handle the primes below 11 to simplify the general code below
# (by removing the need to handle the few cases in which the index to
# `isprime`, calculated based on `factor` is negative)
# This is the minimum set of primes that we must handle, but we could
# extend this list to make the calculation faster for more of the
# smallest primes
let prime_candidates = [2.T, 3, 5, 7].toTensor()
return prime_candidates[prime_candidates <=. upto]

# General algorithm (valid for numbers higher than 10)
let prime_candidates = arange(3.T, T(upto + 1), 2.T)
var isprime = ones[bool](( - 1) div 2)
let max_possible_factor_idx = int(sqrt(upto.float)) div 2
for factor in prime_candidates[_ ..< max_possible_factor_idx]:
if isprime[( - 2) div 2]:
isprime[( * 3 - 2) div 2 .. _ |] = false

# Note that 2 is missing from the result, so it must be manually added to
# the front of the result tensor
return [2.T].toTensor().append(prime_candidates[isprime])

# The maximum float64 that can be represented as an integer that is followed by a
# another integer that is representable as a float64 as well
const maximumConsecutiveFloat64Int = pow(2.0, 53) - 1.0

proc factor*[T: SomeInteger | SomeFloat](n: T): Tensor[T] =
## Return a Tensor containing the prime factors of the input
## Input:
## - n: A value that will be factorized.
## If its type is floating-point it must be a whole number. Otherwise
## a ValueError will be raised.
## Result:
## - A sorted Tensor containing the prime factors of the input.
## Example:
## ```nim
## echo factor(60)
## # Tensor[] of shape "[4]" on backend "Cpu"
## # 2 2 3 5
## ```
if n < 0:
raise newException(ValueError,
"Negative values (" & $n & ") cannot be factorized")
when T is int64:
if n > T(maximumConsecutiveFloat64Int):
raise newException(ValueError,
"Value (" & $n & ") is too large to be factorized")
elif T is SomeFloat:
if floor(n) != n:
raise newException(ValueError,
"Non whole numbers (" & $n & ") cannot be factorized")

if n < 4:
return [n].toTensor

# The algorithm works by keeping track of the list of unique potential,
# candidate prime factors of the input, and iteratively adding those
# that are confirmed to be factors into a list of confirmed factors
# (which is stored in the `result` tensor variable).

# First we must initialize the `candidate_factor` Tensor
# The factors of the input can be found among the list of primes
# that are smaller than or equal to input. However we can significantly
# reduce the candidate list by taking into account the fact that only a
# single factor can be greater than the square root of the input.
# The algorithm is such that if that is the case we will add the input number
# at the very end of the loop below
var candidate_factors = primes(T(ceil(sqrt(float(n)))))

# This list of prime candidate_factors is refined by finding those of them
# that divide the input value (i.e. those whose `input mod prime` == 0).
# Those candiates that don't divide the input are known to not be valid
# factors and can be removed from the candidate_factors list. Those that do
# divide the input are confirmed as valid factors and as such are added to
# the result list. Then the input is divided by all of the remaining
# candidates (by dividing the input by the product of all the remaining
# candidates). The result is a number that is the product of all the factors
# that are still unknown (which must be among the remaining candidates!) and
# which we can call `unknown_factor_product`.
# Then we can simply repeat the same process over and over, replacing the
# original input with the remaining `unknown_factor_product` after each
# iteration, until the `unknown_factors_product` (which is reduced by each
# division at the end of each iteration) reaches 1. Alternatively, we might
# run out of candidates, which will only happen when there is only one factor
# left (which must be greater than the square root of the input) and is stored
# in the `unknown_factors_product`. In that case we add it to the confirmed
# factors (result) list and the process can stop.
var unknown_factor_product = n
while unknown_factor_product > 1:
# Find the primes that are divisors of the remaining unknown_factors_product
# Note that this tells us which of the remaining candidate_factors are
# factors of the input _at least once_ (but they could divide it more
# than once)
let is_factor = (unknown_factor_product mod candidate_factors) ==. 0
# Keep only the factors that divide the remainder and remove the rest
# from the list of candidates
candidate_factors = candidate_factors[is_factor]
# after this step, all the items incandidate_factors are _known_ to be
# factors of `unknown_factor_product` _at least once_!
if candidate_factors.len == 0:
# If there are no more prime candidates left, it means that the remainder
# is a prime (and that it must be greater than the sqrt of the input),
# and that we are done (after adding it to the result list)
result = result.append([unknown_factor_product].toTensor)
# If we didn't stop it means that there are still candidates which we
# _know_ are factors of the remainder, so we must add them to the result
result = result.append(candidate_factors)
# Now we can prepare for the next iteration by dividing the remainder,
# by the factors we just added to the result. This reminder is the product
# of the factors we don't know yet
unknown_factor_product = T(unknown_factor_product / product(candidate_factors))
# After this division the items in `candidate_factors` become candidates again
# and we can start a new iteration
result = sorted(result)

proc isprimeImpl[T: SomeInteger | SomeFloat](n: T, candidate_factors: Tensor[int]): bool {.inline.} =
## Actual implementation of the isprime check
# This function is optimized for speed in 2 ways:
# 1. By first rejecting all non-whole float numbers and then performing the
# actual isprime check using integers (which is faster than using floats)
# 2. By receving a pre-calculated tensor of candidate_factors. This does not
# speed up the check of a single value, but it does speed up the check of
# a tensor of values. Note that because of #1 the candidate_factors must
# be a tensor of ints (even if the number being checked is a float)
when T is SomeFloat:
if floor(n) != n:
return false
let n = int(n)
result = (n > 1) and all(n mod candidate_factors[candidate_factors <. n])

proc isprime*[T: SomeInteger | SomeFloat](n: T): bool =
## Check whether the input is a prime number
## Only positive values higher than 1 can be primes (i.e. we exclude 1 and -1
## which are sometimes considered primes).
## Note that this function also works with floats, which are considered
## non-prime when they are not whole numbers.
# Note that we do here some checks that are repeated later inside of
# `isprimeImpl`. This is done to avoid the unnecessary calculation of
# the `candidate_factors` tensor in those cases
if n <= 1:
return false
when T is int64:
if n > T(maximumConsecutiveFloat64Int):
raise newException(ValueError,
"Value (" & $n & ") is too large to be factorized")
elif T is SomeFloat:
if floor(n) != n:
return false
var candidate_factors = primes(int(ceil(sqrt(float(n)))))
isprimeImpl(n, candidate_factors)

proc isprime*[T: SomeInteger | SomeFloat](t: Tensor[T]): Tensor[bool] =
## Element-wise check if the input values are prime numbers
result = zeros[bool](t.len)
# Pre-calculate the list of primes that will be used for the element-wise
# isprime check and then call isprimeImpl on each element
# Note that the candidate_factors must be a tensor of ints (for performance
# reasons)
var candidate_factors = primes(int(ceil(sqrt(float(max(t.flatten()))))))
for idx, val in t.enumerate():
result[idx] = isprimeImpl(val, candidate_factors)
return result.reshape(t.shape)
133 changes: 133 additions & 0 deletions tests/test_primes.nim
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import ../scinim/primes
import arraymancer
import std / [unittest, random]

proc test_primes() =
## Test the `primes` function
test "Prime number generation (integer values)":
check: primes(0).len == 0
check: primes(1).len == 0
check: primes(2) == [2].toTensor
check: primes(3) == [2, 3].toTensor
check: primes(4) == [2, 3].toTensor
check: primes(11) == [2, 3, 5, 7, 11].toTensor
check: primes(12) == [2, 3, 5, 7, 11].toTensor
check: primes(19) == [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19].toTensor
check: primes(20) == [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19].toTensor
check: primes(22) == [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19].toTensor
check: primes(100000).len == 9592
check: primes(100003).len == 9593
check: primes(100000)[^1].item == 99991

test "Prime number generation (floating-point values)":
check: primes(100000.0).len == 9592
check: primes(100000.0)[^1].item == 99991.0

# An exception must be raised if the `upto` value is not a whole number
discard primes(100.5)
check: false
except ValueError:
# This is what should happen!

proc generate_random_factor_tensor[T](
max_value: T, max_factors: int, prime_list: Tensor[T]): Tensor[T] =
## Generate a tensor of random prime factors taken from a tensor of primes
## The tensor length will not exceed the `max_factors` and the product of
## the factors will not exceed `max_value` either.
## This is not just a random list of values taken from the `prime_list`
## Instead we artificially introduce a random level of repetition of the
## chosen factors to emulate the fact that many numbers have repeated
## prime factors
let max_value = rand(4 .. 2 ^ 53)
let max_factors = rand(1 .. 20)
result = newTensor[int](max_factors)
var value = 1
var factor = prime_list[rand(prime_list.len - 1)]
for idx in 0 ..< max_factors:
# Randomly repeat the previous factor
# Higher number of repetitions are less likely
let repeat_factor = rand(5) < 1
if not repeat_factor:
factor = prime_list[rand(prime_list.len - 1)]
let new_value = factor * value
if new_value >= max_value:
result[idx] = factor
value = new_value
result = sorted(result)
result = result[result >. 0]

proc test_factor() =
test "Prime factorization of integer values (factor)":
check: factor(60) == [2, 2, 3, 5].toTensor
check: factor(100001) == [11, 9091].toTensor

# Check that the product of the factorization of a few random values
# equals the original numbers
for n in 0 ..< 10:
let value = rand(10000)
check: value == product(factor(value))

# Repeat the previous test in a more sophisticated manner
# Instead of generating random values and checking that the
# product of their factorization is the same as the original values
# (which could work for many incorrect implementations of factor),
# generate a few random factor tensors, multiply them to get
# the number that has them as prime factors, factorize those numbers
# and check that their factorizations matches the original tensors
let prime_list = primes(100)
for n in 0 ..< 10:
let max_value = rand(4 .. 2 ^ 53)
let max_factors = rand(1 .. 20)
var factors = generate_random_factor_tensor(
max_value, max_factors, prime_list)
let value = product(factors)
check: factor(value) == factors

test "Prime factorization of floating-point values (factor)":
# Floating-point
check: factor(60.0) == [2.0, 2, 3, 5].toTensor
check: factor(100001.0) == [11.0, 9091].toTensor

# Check that the product of the factorization of a few random values
# equals the original numbers
# Note that here we do not also do the reverse check (as we do for ints)
# in order to make the test faster
for n in 0 ..< 10:
let value = floor(rand(10000.0))
check: value == product(factor(value))

# An exception must be raised if we try to factorize a non-whole number
discard factor(100.5)
check: false
except ValueError:
# This is what should happen!

proc test_isprime() =
test "isprime":
check: isprime(7) == true
check: isprime(7.0) == true
check: isprime(7.5) == false
check: isprime(1) == false
check: isprime(0) == false
check: isprime(-1) == false
let t = [
[-1, 0, 2, 4],
[ 5, 6, 7, 11]
let expected = [
[false, false, true, false],
[ true, false, true, true]
check: isprime(t) == expected
check: isprime(t.asType(float)) == expected

# Run the tests
suite "Primes":

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