This is a project inspired by the Flipper Zero and the ook-remote.
The goal is to identify, record, & spoof RF remotes (like the WEN3410 air filter at the hack space).
CC1101. Lots of modules available. I have a D-Sun CC1101 and an Ebyte E07-M1101D, they seem about equivalent. SMA connector, 2x5 male pin header, 2 mounting holes near the antenna. The D-SUN mounting holes are slightly more convenient. There's also one called AS07-M1101S. For building into a portable product, a module with solderable through holes instead of the pin header may be preferable.
nRF24L01 "Not recommended for new designs", but it's hard to argue with $1 boards from ebay.
Connect by USB-C to a laptop or an Android phone (serial terminal or custom app).
- simple to build (no battery & charging)
- simple to talk to (minicom or pySerial)
- Conspicuous to have a dongle out and connected.
LiPo battery & USB charging.
LiPo battery options:
- 1x18650: 2200 mAh, 19 mm x 68 mm
- 2x18650: 4400 mAh, 38 mm x 66 mm
- Adafruit Feather battery: 400 mAh, 17.5 mm x 37 mm (fits under a Feather or Pico)
- battery & charger
- Bulkier
The device is a featureless brick, like a USB "power bank". It has a USB port (for charging the battery) and an on/off switch.
You connect by Bluetooth or Wifi to a UI on a laptop or phone. This is very inconspicuous - you can leave the device in a pocket or backpack and just play with your phone or laptop.
Or web UI over IP-over-USB, e.g.
I don't know of an RP2040 board with both LiPo and Wifi. I could use a Pico W and and external LiPo charger/power supply like this one:
- Pico W (21 mm wide, 51 mm long)
- CC1101 module of some sort (FIXME)
- Pimoroni Pico LiPo Power Shim (fits under Pico W, solders onto its headers)
- LiPo battery
- 3d printed case
RP2040 board options:
- Pico W
- Seeed Wio RP2040
- Arduino Nano RP2040 Connect
Pico GPIO | Pico Pin | D-Sun CC1101 module
3V3 Out | 36 | VCC
GND | 38 | GND
GPIO 2 (SPI0 SCK) | 4 | SCK
GPIO 3 (SPI0 TX) | 5 | MOSI
| | GDO2
GPIO 4 (SPI0 RX) | 6 | MISO
GPIO 1 (SPI0 CSn) | 2 | CSN
| | GDO0
C or Rust?
I really want to use Rust but i'm not sure about software support.
Install rustup and make a personal toolchain. :-/
# curl | sh craziness to install rustup
$ rustup toolchain install stable
$ rustup target add thumbv6m-none-eabi
$ cargo install elf2uf2-rs --locked
$ cargo install flip-link
Edit .cargo/config.toml to switch to the elf2uf2-rs runner.
Reset/power-cycle the pico while holding the Bootsel button. Mount the pico anywhere.
$ cargo run --release
$ sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt -o umask=0 && cargo run; sync; sudo umount /mnt
$ cargo doc --open
console on usb?
Pico SPI?
Web server/GUI?
Does embassy-net do mdns? it does igmp but doesnt look like mdns
Pico W wifi chip (Infineon CYW43439):
Pico USB console
The enclosure holds a Raspberry Pi Pico W, a D-SUN CC1101 module, a
Pimoroni "LiPo SHIM for Pico", and a LiPo 18650 battery. The FreeCAD
files (and STLs) are in the enclosure/
M2 wood screws to hold the radio and the Pico-W to their standoffs.
M2.6 wood screws to hold the two parts of the enclosure together. Predrill #42 (2.375 mm).