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An extremely configurable SCP:SL-EXILED Plugin that allows you to control many aspects of it's facility's power systems.


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A simple yet EXTREMELY configurable EXILED Plugin that lets you turn the lights off.

What does it do?

This plugin lets you turn off the lights of Light Containment Zone (LCZ) and/or Heavy Containment Zone (HCZ) using a command in the RemoteAdmin console. Overall, pretty simple! (It still needs EXILED to work tho!).


As with any EXILED plugin, you must place the LightsCommand.dll file inside of your "%appdata%/Roaming/Plugins" folder.


Arguments inside <> are required. [] means it's optional.

Command Description Arguments
lights Plugin's main command. (Can be modified! Yay!) <Seconds> [Turn off in HCZ only?]
lightsconfig Plugin's main configuration command <set/variables/reload>

Info on lightsconfig's arguments: Set: Lets you change a variable from in-game. (You still need to type "lightsconfig reload" for it to update) Variables: "Gives you a list of all variables available. (I still recommend checking this page as it contains more info)" Reload: "Reload plugin's variables inside 7777-config.yml. (The other two had parenthesis, this one wants to be part of the cool variables too)"


These are the variables that should be added to your 7777-config.yml. Or simply download/copy the config-file example

Variable Description Default value
lights_command Changes the main command. ("lightsconfig" stays unchanged to avoid problems) light
lights_alias Changes the main command's alias ls
lights_true_arguments All different arguments that are accepted as "true". (Don't use spaces!) true,t,yes,y
lights_announce Whether or not to broadcast a message when lights go spooky true
lights_announce_duration For how long should the broadcast display 10
lights_announce_text What should the broadcast display? (%player = Whoever used the command and %s = How long the blackout is going to last. <color=aqua>Lights have been turned off by %player for %ss! SpooOOOººOoooky!</color>
lights_message_access_denied Message displayed when player doesn't have permissions to use the command <color=red>Access denied.</color>
lights_message_help Message displayed when syntax is incorrect (%cmd = Displays the command used, it's just a cute detail) 1/2 <color=red>Command usage: " </color><color=yellow>%cmd <seconds> </color><color=#ab0be6>[true/yes] </color><color=red>"</color>\n<color=red><> is necessary -- [] is optional</color>
lights_message_help2 This has become unused, add "\n" on your text to add a new line <color=red><> is necessary -- [] is optional</color>
lights_message_not_recognized Warning message if third argument is invalid (%arg = 3rd argument used on the command, default is "true") <color=red>Argument "%arg" can't be recognized, using default value</color>
lights_message_success Message displayed when you're a good boy (%s = How long the blackout's gonna last and %value = Whether or not the blackout's gonna be HCZ only or HCZ & LCZ) <color=#13c706>Lights have been turned off for:<b> %ss </b>(HCZ Only? : <b>%value</b>)</color>
lights_cassie_announcement_hcz This is what CASSIE says when light's are turned off in HCZ heavy containment zone generator .g3 malfunction detected .g4 .g3 .g3 .g4
lights_cassie_announcement_both This is what CASSIE says when light's are turned off in HCZ & LCZ generator .g3 malfunction detected .g4 .g3 .g3 .g4
lights_cassie_announceforhcz Toggles whether CASSIE announces lights are being turned off in HCZ false
lights_cassie_announceforboth Toggles whether CASSIE announces lights are being turned off in false
lights_cassie_makenoise Should CASSIE's announcement make a sound at the start/end of his sentence? true
lights_startblackout_toggle Toggles whether there is automatic blackout(s) false
lights_startblackout_delay_max Once the round starts, how many seconds can pass for the first automatic blackout to happen? 60f
lights_startblackout_delay_min Once the round starts, how many seconds should pass for the first auto-blackout to happen? 50f
lights_startblackout_duration_max Once the round starts, how many seconds can pass for the first automatic blackout to happen? 15f
lights_startblackout_duration_min Once the round starts, how many seconds should pass for the first auto-blackout to happen? 10f
lights_multipleblackout_toggle Should there be multiple auto-blackouts after the first one? false
lights_multipleblackout_duration_max How long can the auto-blackout last for? 15f
lights_multipleblackout_duration_min How long will the auto-blackout at least last for? 10f
lights_multipleblackout_timebetween_max NEW! Maximum time between each auto-blackout 35f
lights_multipleblackout_timebetween_min NEW! Minimum time between each auto-blackout 20f
lights_multipleblackout_timebetween REPLACED Time between each auto-blackout 5
lights_multipleblackout_maxamount NEW! Limits how many automatic blackouts happen instead of looping forever (The "Start-Blackout" doesn't count towards the counter of auto-blackouts) 2
lights_cassie_announcement_auto What CASSIE says during an auto-blackout generator .g3 automatic reactivation started .g3 .g4
lights_cassie_announceauto Toggles whether CASSIE announces auto-blackouts true

*Note: All the "%whatever" variables are NOT needed. They're there to make this plugin more customizable.

*IMPORTANT: Check THIS post to see how CASSIE's system works.


These are the permissions that should be added to your permissions.yml inside your "%appdata%/Roaming/Plugins/Exiled Permissions" folder.

Permission Command
lights.light lights
lights.config lightsconfig
lights.set lightsconfig set <config_variable> <value..>
lights.reload lightsconfig reload
lights.* All

That'd be all

Thanks for passing by, have a nice day! :)


An extremely configurable SCP:SL-EXILED Plugin that allows you to control many aspects of it's facility's power systems.








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