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A Flutter Instagram look-alike photo blog application. Uses jsonplaceholder for mock data. Please refer to coding task for info about desired features.

🚧 Still under development. 👷‍♂️ 🚧 So not all things are finished or polished yet.

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Table of contents

Coding task

Create the following Flutter app:

  1. Create Infinite scroll list with images (use photos as API source)
  2. Each image in the list has a title, an image preview and a like button.
  3. By tapping on a preview image user is shown a full-sized image in a popup.
  4. User can like and unlike images by tapping Like button.
  5. Like state persist between app launches.

Implemented functionality

These is the list of all app features available to the user as of now:

  • Fetching photos.
  • Liking and unliking photos.
    • Each like state for a photo is persisted between app launches.
  • Full photo view.
    • After clicking on a photo a separate image view is opened with zoom functionality.
  • Photo list refresh.
    • The photo data is refreshed each time the list is dragged from the top.

Other functionality is either mocked, placeholders or unused for now.

Figma design

The figma design file that was prepared by me for this app can be found here.

Web demo

The live web demo version of the app can be found here.

Project structure

The project's main src module contains 4 submodules:

  • app - contains code responsible for configuring and running the application.
  • base - contains components that can serve as a basis for any flutter project.
  • common - contains reusable components that are project specific and can be shared by many separate features.
  • features - contains modules for all the app's main features.

Module structure

Each module follows strict layer segregation. Three main layers are defined:

  • data - manages the application logic related to communicating with the network, retrieving & sending data, managing local storage etc.

  • domain - is dedicated to business level logic.

  • presentation - is responsible for presenting data to screen and handling user interactions.

Flutter version

This app was developed and tested on the following flutter channel and version:

Flutter 3.0.0  channel stable
Framework  revision ee4e09cce0 (7 days ago)  2022-05-09 16:45:18 -0700
Engine  revision d1b9a6938a
Tools  Dart 2.17.0  DevTools 2.12.2

Running the app

If you want to run the app using the terminal:

  • Debug & Development
flutter run --flavor dev lib/src/main_dev.dart
  • Release & Production
flutter run --release --flavor prod lib/src/main_prod.dart
  • Web
flutter run -d chrome --web-renderer html -t lib/src/main_dev.dart
  • MacOS, Windows, Linux
flutter run -d macos|windows|linux -t lib/src/main_dev.dart


Run unit tests by typing:

flutter test

Run integration tests by typing:

flutter test integration_test --flavor=stage

Index files

To update the list of files included in documentation for base, common and features libraries code generation with index_generator is used.

To activate index_generator run:

flutter pub global activate index_generator

To update index files run:

flutter pub global run index_generator

Right now the libraries app and di don't use code generation as they are small and usually don't change in terms of included files.


Documentation for the whole app can be found here. Generate it on your own by running:

flutter pub global run dartdoc 

Code coverage

To generate code coverage reports run:

dart pub global activate remove_from_coverage
flutter test --coverage 
remove_from_coverage -f coverage/ -r '.g.dart|.freezed.dart$|\bgenerated\b'
genhtml coverage/ -o coverage/html

App icon

To change the app icon on mobile change the files inside launcher_icon and then run:

flutter pub get
flutter pub run flutter_launcher_icons:main -f flutter_launcher_icons-development.yaml

Running it for one file will run it for all flavors.