Releases: SecTheater/laravel-jarvis
Version 2.1.4 Stable
Unit tests are added
Observers can be controlled via $observers property, by providing the column name as a key of array and the function applied to this key as a value using snake_case
Fixed Repositories
Fixed Register method.
Latest Release
- Issue Tokens Trait has been added
- Approval Process bug fixed.
Version 2.1.2
- Repository Interface updated
- Basic Repository Is updated, now you can pass to the delete and update methods either an identifier to find or the instance that should be updated/deleted.
- make:facade command is added
- make:response command is added
- make:repository is added
- package_path function is added
- Relationships are synchronized with the related models dynamically.
- Roles Trait is updated.
Version 2.1.1 stable
- Existing relationships Dynamically set depending on existing models either through properties or config file.
- Observers watch models that has been bounded to the config file dynamically.
- Like Relationship is changed to many-to-many polymorphic.
- package_version function is added ( checks the version of any package passed to it )
- model_exists function is now checking for the user models
- jarvis_model_exists function only checks for Jarvis's models only.
- recent method is added to all of Repositories ( you can fetch with it recent stuff under condition and,or approved stuff )
Version 2.1.0 stable
Recent Changes
Jarvis Middleware is removed.
Policies & Gates are set automatically depending on the database roles.
Extra Commands are added such as :
1- sectheater:register-authorization // registers the policies and gates and publishing them , depending on your database roles.
2- make:observer
3- sectheater:seed-db , seeding your database with the RolesSeeder and call for register-authorization ( optional) -
Fixes :
1- Routes in blades are fixed.
2- Jarvis routes method is fixed, removed from web file and It will be added in your Route Service Provider
3- app.blade.php is copied during running sectheater:auth if it doesn't exist
4- RegisterWithRole method is fixed.
- Namespaces are set correctly during the transfer.
- Fixed controllers and requests command.
- Tags Detaching fixed.
- migrations table fixed.
- Checking Activation on logging in fixed.
- Namespaces are set correctly during the transfer.
- Fixed controllers and requests command.
- Tags Detaching fixed.
- migrations table fixed.
- Checking Activation on logging in fixed.