A dynamic form generator for Angular with material design
npm install @angular/material
npm install angular-form-generator
Import the FormGenerator Module and add it to the 'imports' of your module
import { FormGeneratorModule } from 'angular-form-generator';
imports: [FormGeneratorModule, MdNativeDateModule],
export YourModule { }
Set a link to a material theme in the <head>
tag of index.html at the root of your application
<link href="node_modules/@angular/material/prebuilt-themes/indigo-pink.css" rel="stylesheet">
The form configuration is a json object that consists of required and optional parameters.
"formId": '123456Test',
"form": 'animals',
"type": 'lion',
"version": 'v1',
"title": "Title",
"groups": [
"orientation": 0,
"fields": [
"fieldName": 'field',
"type": 'text'
The full form configuration documentation.
Create a new formConfig object. This will set all the required parameters to their default.
let formConfig = new FormConfig(formConfigJson);
Insert the <ngdg-form>
inside your components html.
<div *ngFor="let pageObject of formConfig.pages">
<ngdg-form [page]="pageObject" ... ></ngdg-form>
The inputs and outputs.
Parameter | Type | Description | Kind | |
page | Page | Insert a page object the form generator has to build | Input | Required |
data | any | Insert an object with the already filled in data. Make sure that the fieldName in the formConfig follow the path in the data object. Example | Input | Optional |
lov | Array key value pair | If the form has dropdowns that contain standard lovs | Input | Optional |
readonly | boolean | Set if the whole form is readonly or not. Default: false | Input | Optional |
focusChanged | EventEmitter | Emits an event wheter a form control is focused or blured | Output | Optional |
registerForm | EventEmiiter | Emits an event when a new form is build. Returns a FormGroup | Output | Optional |
next | EventEmitter | Emits an event when a button with type button is clicked | Output | Optional |
submit | EventEmitter | Emits an event when a button with type submit is clicked | Output | Optional |
A data object example:
information: {
firstName: "Donald",
lastName: "Duck"
answers: {
age: 10,
height: "1.80 m"
A compatible formConfig object:
"formId": '123456Test',
"form": 'animals',
"type": 'lion',
"version": 'v1',
"title": "Title",
"groups": [
"orientation": 0,
"fields": [
"fieldName": 'answers.age',
"type": 'number'
"fieldName": 'answers.height',
"type": 'text'
For detailed information about the form configuration go to formconfig documentation
There are a few basic validators already included in the form generator.
- required
- empty
- maxValue
- minValue
"fieldName": "Minutes",
"type": "number",
"validators": [
"name": "minValue",
"value": 1
"name": "maxValue",
"value": 59
There are a few form modifiers which can modify the state of a field.
- setValidators
- setEnabled
- setVisibility
- setValue
- setMaxDate
- setMinDate
"fieldName": "Date",
"type": "date",
"fieldName": "Information",
"type": "text",
"disable": true,
"regOnChange": {
"parent": "Date",
"callbacks": [
"method": "setEnabled",
"param": true
"method": "setValidator",
"param": [
"name": "required",
"value": true
There is also a possibility to make your own validators.
First you have to inject the FormValidatorService into you component.
import { FormValidatorService } from "angular-form-generator/src/custom-validators/validator.service";
constructor(private formValidatorService: FormValidatorService){}
Now you can add custom validators to the form generator. The addValidator function takes two arguments.
First the name of the validator, second the validation function.
this.formValidatorService.addValidator("validator", (max:number) => {
return (control: AbstractControl) => {
var num = +control.value;
if(control.value != "" && num > max){
return { maxValueError: "Value must be lower than " + max};