EnableID addresses the problem of undocumented individuals in Malaysia who struggle to access essential services due to a lack of recognized identification. By providing a secure digital identity platform, our solution enables these individuals to store personal identity documents digitally and access aid and services more easily. It also offers NGOs tools for better identification and data management, ensuring they can efficiently deliver support. In summary, this approach is designed to be effective and deployable from day 1without needing immediate government recognition.
More information about the project can be found in our Google site.
Clone the project
git clone https://github.com/Service-Design-Studio/1d-final-project-summer-2024-sds-2024-team-2.git
Go to the project directory
cd 1d-final-project-summer-2024-sds-2024-team-2
Install dependencies
bundle install
Setup development database
rails db:migrate
rails db:seed
Start the server
rails server
Setup test database
rails db:test:prepare
rails db:seed RAILS_ENV=test
To run unit tests in rspec, run the following command
bundle exec rspec
To run system tests in cucumber, run the following command
bundle exec cucumber
Modify the following files, use rails credentials to store sensitive data:
- Edit
database, username, password, host
- Edit
- Edit
project_id, private_key_id, private_key, client_email, client_id, bucket
- Edit
Then to create the Docker image and deploy this project, run
gcloud builds submit
Client: Bootstrap, AJAX, Rails
Server: Rails
Database: PostgreSQL(Production), SQLite3(Local)
GCP: Cloud Run, Cloud Bucket