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Locale Enum
Patrick Rodgers edited this page Aug 28, 2017
1 revision
Previously we had Locale.ts within the source tree but it was not built into the library due to size. We have removed it from the source tree, but the enum is available here if you need it for your code or reference.
export enum Locale {
AfrikaansSouthAfrica = 1078,
AlbanianAlbania = 1052,
Alsatian = 1156,
AmharicEthiopia = 1118,
ArabicSaudiArabia = 1025,
ArabicAlgeria = 5121,
ArabicBahrain = 15361,
ArabicEgypt = 3073,
ArabicIraq = 2049,
ArabicJordan = 11265,
ArabicKuwait = 13313,
ArabicLebanon = 12289,
ArabicLibya = 4097,
ArabicMorocco = 6145,
ArabicOman = 8193,
ArabicQatar = 16385,
ArabicSyria = 10241,
ArabicTunisia = 7169,
ArabicUAE = 14337,
ArabicYemen = 9217,
ArmenianArmenia = 1067,
Assamese = 1101,
AzeriCyrillic = 2092,
AzeriLatin = 1068,
Bashkir = 1133,
Basque = 1069,
Belarusian = 1059,
BengaliIndia = 1093,
BengaliBangladesh = 2117,
BosnianBosniaHerzegovina = 5146,
Breton = 1150,
Bulgarian = 1026,
Burmese = 1109,
Catalan = 1027,
CherokeeUnitedStates = 1116,
ChinesePeoplesRepublicofChina = 2052,
ChineseSingapore = 4100,
ChineseTaiwan = 1028,
ChineseHongKongSAR = 3076,
ChineseMacaoSAR = 5124,
Corsican = 1155,
Croatian = 1050,
CroatianBosniaHerzegovina = 4122,
Czech = 1029,
Danish = 1030,
Dari = 1164,
Divehi = 1125,
DutchNetherlands = 1043,
DutchBelgium = 2067,
Edo = 1126,
EnglishUnitedStates = 1033,
EnglishUnitedKingdom = 2057,
EnglishAustralia = 3081,
EnglishBelize = 10249,
EnglishCanada = 4105,
EnglishCaribbean = 9225,
EnglishHongKongSAR = 15369,
EnglishIndia = 16393,
EnglishIndonesia = 14345,
EnglishIreland = 6153,
EnglishJamaica = 8201,
EnglishMalaysia = 17417,
EnglishNewZealand = 5129,
EnglishPhilippines = 13321,
EnglishSingapore = 18441,
EnglishSouthAfrica = 7177,
EnglishTrinidad = 11273,
EnglishZimbabwe = 12297,
Estonian = 1061,
Faroese = 1080,
Farsi = 1065,
Filipino = 1124,
Finnish = 1035,
FrenchFrance = 1036,
FrenchBelgium = 2060,
FrenchCameroon = 11276,
FrenchCanada = 3084,
FrenchDemocraticRepofCongo = 9228,
FrenchCotedIvoire = 12300,
FrenchHaiti = 15372,
FrenchLuxembourg = 5132,
FrenchMali = 13324,
FrenchMonaco = 6156,
FrenchMorocco = 14348,
FrenchNorthAfrica = 58380,
FrenchReunion = 8204,
FrenchSenegal = 10252,
FrenchSwitzerland = 4108,
FrenchWestIndies = 7180,
FrisianNetherlands = 1122,
FulfuldeNigeria = 1127,
FYROMacedonian = 1071,
Galician = 1110,
Georgian = 1079,
GermanGermany = 1031,
GermanAustria = 3079,
GermanLiechtenstein = 5127,
GermanLuxembourg = 4103,
GermanSwitzerland = 2055,
Greek = 1032,
Greenlandic = 1135,
GuaraniParaguay = 1140,
Gujarati = 1095,
HausaNigeria = 1128,
HawaiianUnitedStates = 1141,
Hebrew = 1037,
Hindi = 1081,
Hungarian = 1038,
IbibioNigeria = 1129,
Icelandic = 1039,
IgboNigeria = 1136,
Indonesian = 1057,
Inuktitut = 1117,
Irish = 2108,
ItalianItaly = 1040,
ItalianSwitzerland = 2064,
Japanese = 1041,
Kiche = 1158,
Kannada = 1099,
KanuriNigeria = 1137,
Kashmiri = 2144,
KashmiriArabic = 1120,
Kazakh = 1087,
Khmer = 1107,
Kinyarwanda = 1159,
Konkani = 1111,
Korean = 1042,
KyrgyzCyrillic = 1088,
Lao = 1108,
Latin = 1142,
Latvian = 1062,
Lithuanian = 1063,
Luxembourgish = 1134,
MalayMalaysia = 1086,
MalayBruneiDarussalam = 2110,
Malayalam = 1100,
Maltese = 1082,
Manipuri = 1112,
MaoriNewZealand = 1153,
Mapudungun = 1146,
Marathi = 1102,
Mohawk = 1148,
MongolianCyrillic = 1104,
MongolianMongolian = 2128,
Nepali = 1121,
NepaliIndia = 2145,
NorwegianBokmål = 1044,
NorwegianNynorsk = 2068,
Occitan = 1154,
Oriya = 1096,
Oromo = 1138,
Papiamentu = 1145,
Pashto = 1123,
Polish = 1045,
PortugueseBrazil = 1046,
PortuguesePortugal = 2070,
Punjabi = 1094,
PunjabiPakistan = 2118,
QuechaBolivia = 1131,
QuechaEcuador = 2155,
QuechaPeru = 3179,
RhaetoRomanic = 1047,
Romanian = 1048,
RomanianMoldava = 2072,
Russian = 1049,
RussianMoldava = 2073,
SamiLappish = 1083,
Sanskrit = 1103,
ScottishGaelic = 1084,
Sepedi = 1132,
SerbianCyrillic = 3098,
SerbianLatin = 2074,
SindhiIndia = 1113,
SindhiPakistan = 2137,
SinhaleseSriLanka = 1115,
Slovak = 1051,
Slovenian = 1060,
Somali = 1143,
Sorbian = 1070,
SpanishSpainModernSort = 3082,
SpanishSpainTraditionalSort = 1034,
SpanishArgentina = 11274,
SpanishBolivia = 16394,
SpanishChile = 13322,
SpanishColombia = 9226,
SpanishCostaRica = 5130,
SpanishDominicanRepublic = 7178,
SpanishEcuador = 12298,
SpanishElSalvador = 17418,
SpanishGuatemala = 4106,
SpanishHonduras = 18442,
SpanishLatinAmerica = 22538,
SpanishMexico = 2058,
SpanishNicaragua = 19466,
SpanishPanama = 6154,
SpanishParaguay = 15370,
SpanishPeru = 10250,
SpanishPuertoRico = 20490,
SpanishUnitedStates = 21514,
SpanishUruguay = 14346,
SpanishVenezuela = 8202,
Sutu = 1072,
Swahili = 1089,
Swedish = 1053,
SwedishFinland = 2077,
Syriac = 1114,
Tajik = 1064,
TamazightArabic = 1119,
TamazightLatin = 2143,
Tamil = 1097,
Tatar = 1092,
Telugu = 1098,
Thai = 1054,
TibetanBhutan = 2129,
TibetanPeoplesRepublicofChina = 1105,
TigrignaEritrea = 2163,
TigrignaEthiopia = 1139,
Tsonga = 1073,
Tswana = 1074,
Turkish = 1055,
Turkmen = 1090,
UighurChina = 1152,
Ukrainian = 1058,
Urdu = 1056,
UrduIndia = 2080,
UzbekCyrillic = 2115,
UzbekLatin = 1091,
Venda = 1075,
Vietnamese = 1066,
Welsh = 1106,
Wolof = 1160,
Xhosa = 1076,
Yakut = 1157,
Yi = 1144,
Yiddish = 1085,
Yoruba = 1130,
Zulu = 1077,
HIDHumanInterfaceDevice = 1279,
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