- 📫 How to reach me: [email protected]
- 💻 Personal website: https://shawnzhong.com
- 📄 Resume: resume.pdf
MadFS: Per-File Virtualization for Userspace Persistent Memory Filesystems
Shawn Zhong, Chenhao Ye, Guanzhou Hu, Suyan Qu, Andrea Arpaci-Dusseau, Remzi Arpaci-Dusseau, and Michael Swift.
FAST '23. GitHub. -
PBoS: Probabilistic Bag-of-Subwords for Generalizing Word Embedding
Zhao Jinman, Shawn Zhong, Xiaomin Zhang, and Yingyu Liang.
EMNLP '20. GitHub.
- To be updated
Undergraduate (Fall 2017 - Spring 2020)
Fall 2017: CS 300 (Programming II), CS 352 (Digital System Fundamentals), Math 375 (Multi-Var Calc & Linear Alg), Math 431 (Probability)
Spring 2018: CS 252 (Intro to Computer Engineering), CS 400 (Programming III), Math 240 (Discrete Math), Math 521 (Analysis), Math 541 (Modern Algebra)
Fall 2018: CS 354 (Machine Organization), CS 514 (Numerical Analysis), CS 540 (Intro to AI), CS 577 (Algorithms), Math 632 (Stochastic Processes)
Spring 2019: CS 536 (Compiler), CS 537 (OS), CS 564 (Database), CS 639 (Software Security)
Fall 2019: CS 576 (Bioinformatics), CS 640 (Network), CS 744 (Big Data Systems)
Spring 2020: CS 759 (High-Performance Computing)
Ph.D. (Fall 2020 - )
Fall 2020: CS 703 (Program Verification & Synthesis), CS 736 (Advanced OS), CS 764 (Advanced DB), CS 838 (MLOS Seminar)
Spring 2021: CS 524 (Intro to Optimization), CS 739 (Distributed Systems), CS 760 (Machine Learning)
Fall 2021: CS 839 (Blockchains and Decentralized Applications), CS 839 (Persistent Memory)
Spring 2022: CS 740 (Advanced Network), CS 839 (Machine Learning System)
Fall 2022: CS 839 (Image Synthesis), ECE 439 (Introduction to Robotics)
Spring 2023: CS 761 (Mathematical Machine Learning)