Event Sourcing + CQRS Framework
This project is a collection of event sourcing and cqrs types to support some small personal projects heavily inluenced by Thalo but borrowing (or will be borrowing in the future) ideas from Haskell Eventful, F# Equinox, and Kotlin f(model).
use epoch::{event_store::ESDBEventStore, EventEnvelope, EventStore, EventContext};
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use thiserror::Error;
use async_trait::async_trait;
use example::domain::user::{UserId, User, UserName},
pub struct Users {}
/// IMPL EventContext to definte relationships between Event, Cmd, CmdErr, and some sort of reified State (This will be reverbed to a Decider pattern with fn decide() and fn evolve())
impl EventContext for Users {
type Id = String;
type Command = UserCommand;
type Event = UserEvent;
type Err = UserError;
type Services = ();
type State = UserState;
// Event Context requires we implement string names for each context - this is used at the event persistance layer
fn event_context() -> String {
async fn handle(
state: Self::State,
cmd: Self::Command,
_services: Self::Services,
) -> Result<PreparedEvent<Self>, Self::Err> {
match cmd {
UserCommand::AddUser(AddUserCommand { name }) => {
UserCommand::UpdateUser(UpdateUserCommand { user_id, name }) => {
fn apply(mut state: UserState, event: &EventEnvelope<Self>) -> UserState {
match event.data.clone() {
UserEvent::UserAdded { user_id, name } => {
UserEvent::UserUpdated { user_id, name } => {
#[derive(Default, Debug, Clone)]
pub struct UserState {
users: HashMap<String, User>,
#[derive(Error, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone)]
pub enum UserError {
// Error ADT
// Arbitrary service calling EventContext::execute()
pub struct UserService {
event_store: ESDBEventStore
impl UserService {
pub async fn cmd_add_user(
cmd: AddUserCommand,
) -> Result<
<ESDBEventStore as EventStore>::Position,
> {
// Execute knows how to handle a command and apply state automatically in the context of an event store (soon to be re-verbed for a decider pattern - execute knows how to decide and evolve state)
.execute::<Users>(UserCommand::AddUser(cmd), (), None)
#[derive(Error, Debug)]
pub enum UserServiceError {
// Error ADT
// EventSourcing types and primatives can be whatever you want - usually Event and Cmd are parameteratized enums as ADT
pub enum UserCommand {
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)]
pub struct AddUserCommand {
pub name: String,
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)]
pub struct UpdateUserCommand {
pub user_id: String,
pub name: Option<String>,
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub enum UserEvent {
UserAdded {
user_id: UserId,
name: UserName,
UserUpdated {
user_id: UserId,
name: Option<UserName>,
// Event Context requires we implement string names for event types - this are used at the event persistance layer
impl Event for UserEvent {
fn event_type(&self) -> String {
match self {
UserEvent::UserAdded { .. } => "UserAdded".to_string(),
UserEvent::UserUpdated { .. } => "UserUpdated".to_string(),