A simple R package (calculator) implementing a workflow for GitHub Actions using r-lib/actions.
Rscript -e 'devtools::install_github("shehab7osny/calculatorrcpp")'
Rscript.exe -e 'devtools::install_github("shehab7osny/calculatorrcpp")'
This repository's workflow carries out the following jobs:
- Checks for a successful build on Linux.
Using:- r-lib/actions/setup
- r-lib/actions/setup-r-dependencies
- Checks for a successful build on Windows.
Using:- r-lib/actions/setup
- r-lib/actions/setup-r-dependencies
- Checks for a errors in the R package.
Using:- r-lib/actions/check-r-package
- Checks for any memory leakages in the R package.
Using:- r-lib/actions/run-rchk
Limitations: Due to an issue in r-lib/actions, this check is only done during setup.
- r-lib/actions/run-rchk
Seceral examples can be located in the demo directory. These examples are as follows:
Illustrates the addition functionality of the calculator.R -e 'demo("AddExample", "calculatorRcpp")'
Illustrates the subtraction functionality of the calculator.R -e 'demo("SubtractExample", "calculatorRcpp")'
Illustrates the multiplication functionality of the calculator.R -e 'demo("MultiplyExample", "calculatorRcpp")'
Illustrates the division functionality of the calculator.R -e 'demo("DivideExample", "calculatorRcpp")'