Automate the build of a wordpress website on CentOS 7
TO-DO LIST for Aleksandar:
Navigate to: Then following instructions to enter key and activate.
I need to be able to do this by running the following in my bash shell scripts:
xvfb-run python3.6 s ${wp_web_admin_username} ${wp_web_admin_user_password} ${premium-theme-licence-key}
Navigate to: Then following instructions to enter username and password
I need to be able to do this by running the following in my bash shell scripts:
xvfb-run python3.6 s ${wp_web_admin_username} ${wp_web_admin_user_password} ${ithemes-username} ${ithemes-password}
Navigate to: Then enter licence key and save/activate
I need to be able to do this by running the following in my bash shell scripts:
xvfb-run python3.6 s ${wp_web_admin_username} ${wp_web_admin_user_password} ${wpallimport-licence-key}
Navigate to: Then enter licence key and save/activate
I need to be able to do this by running the following in my bash shell scripts:
xvfb-run python3.6 s ${wp_web_admin_username} ${wp_web_admin_user_password} ${wpallexport-licence-key}
Navigate to:
file source: File Upload (then go for the 'choose file' button) import format: json (note I think this will autoupdate to json after you chosen the file to upload) add, replace, or append: add as new table.
xvfb-run python3.6 s ${wp_web_admin_username} ${wp_web_admin_user_password} ${absolute_path_to_json_file}
Note, absolute path will be something like /root/tempfiles/data.json This file will live on the digital ocean droplet.
Navigate to: Appearance -> Customize
At the bottom, select the "Export/Import" item
Under the import section, import a file.
xvfb-run python3.6 s ${wp_web_admin_username} ${wp_web_admin_user_password} ${absolute_path_to_json_file}
Note, absolute path will be something like /root/tempfiles/data.dat This file will live on the digital ocean droplet.
A text widget called "Search" will exist, and this script will add some text into it (but need to select the 'text' tab first)
xvfb-run python3.6 s ${wp_web_admin_username} ${wp_web_admin_user_password} ${content}
No further configurations are required. Everything else stays the same. I.e. don't click on any further checkboxes, dropdown list, or tabs.