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RNAseq pipeline

Workflow: Bowtie -> Tophat (maps reads) -> get sam file via samtools -> HTseq count [to get counts of reads to each gene or exon] -> Edge R -> differential expression

Needed files

  1. Genome sequence in FASTA format

  2. SRA file containing sequence reads (or folder with all SRA files and a file with a list of all SRAs you want to run)

  3. GFF file for genome sequence

Create Bowtie Index for Genome sequence: estimated time: ~15 minutes

  1. load Tophat2 module

    module load Tophat2

  2. Use bowtie2-build to build the index

    bowtie2-build [genome sequence fasta file] [base name for output files]

    bowtie2-build Slycopersicum_390_v2.5.fa Slycopersicum_390_v2.5

Map RNA seq reads- Single file

  1. modules required:

    module load SRAToolkit; module load FastQC; module load Trimmomatic; module load TopHat2; module load Boost; module load SAMtools

  2. Single mapping command: *you must indicate whether it is SE or PE, and adapter file must be in your working directory

    python /mnt/home/john3784/Github/RNAseq_pipeline/ [SRA file] [root of Bowtie index files] [index 0 for SE, index 1 for PE]

This command incorporates individual commands all in one (no need to run individually):

module load SRAToolkit -- converts SRA file to fastq

fastq-dump SRRfile.sra 

module load FastQC -- runs fastqc on fastq file

cd [dir with SRA files]

fastqc -f fastq SRRfile.fastq 

module load Trimmomatic -- trims adaptor sequences, this is where you specify SE or PE adaptors, 
or other sequences you may want to trim

java -jar $TRIM/trimmomatic SE SRR314813.fastq SRR314813.fastq.TRIM ILLUMINACLIP:$ADAPTOR:2:30:10 LEADING:3 TRAILING:3      SLIDINGWINDOW:4:30 -- filters reads by length and min average phred score

module load FastQC -- runs fastqc on trimmmed and filtered files

cd [dir with SRA files]

fastqc -f fastq SRRfile.fastq2

module load TopHat2 -- maps trimmed reads to genome

tophat2 -p %s -i %s -I %s -g %s -o %s %s %s" %(tophat_threads,min_intron_size,max_intron_size,max_multiHits,f_tophat_file,genome,filtered_file)

module load SAM tools

converts bam to sam

Filter sam to primary and unique reads

  1. mapping may take a while, so consider submitting to the hpcc queue

    python ~john3784/Github/parse_scripts/ -f submit -c SRA_mapping.runcc -wd /mnt/home/john3784/2-specialized_metab_project/Solanaceae/Slycopersicum/ -m 10 -w 239 -mo SRAToolkit,Trimmomatic,TopHat2,Boost,SAMTools,fastqc,python

Map RNA seq reads multiple files

  1. this script makes a runcc file to map each sra file in a list: *you must make separate lists for SE or PE [SRA file list] [full path to bowtie index] [0 for SE, 1 for PE]

    python ~john3784/Github/RNAseq_pipeline/ SE_SRA_files.txt /mnt/scratch/john3784/RNA_seq/SLyc2.50 0

  2. qsub runcc file

    python ~john3784/Github/parse_scripts/ -f submit -c SE_SRA_files.txt.runcc -wd /mnt/scratch/john3784/RNA_seq/SE_SRA_files/ -m 10 -w 239

Check for % reads mapped

  1. This script checks for mapping that is less than 80% and gives a file with a list of sra files that did not meet the 80% cutoff. You can look at the fastQC of these files and try rerunning them. May need to remove bases at the beginning of the reads (-trim_hcrop option) or add overrepresented sequences to the adapter sequence (-trim_adapter option)

     python get_bad_mapping_files <dir with _tophat directories>
     python ~john3784/Github/RNAseq_pipeline/ /mnt/scratch/john3784/RNA_seq/SE_SRA_files/

Get Ht-seq and cufflinks output

  1. python [folder including tophat directories] [gff file] [genome.fa file] [SE (0) or PE (1)]

    **note PE option requires module load samtools

    **PE may take a while depending on how many files you have, so consider submitting to the queue with qsub

    output is a cufflinks/htseq runcc file

  2. submit cufflinks/htseq runcc file to the queue with qsub

Get differentially expressed genes

This section will allow you to identify differentially regulated genes through edgeR

  1. go to R_studio

  2. check “edgeR.pdf” for info

  3. example R script

    here I have 2 replicates for MOCK and 2 replicates for COR and combine the HTseq output files among these samples together.

     > counts = read.delim("HTSeqCount_combined.txt", header=F, row.names=1, sep=' ')
     > group <- factor(c("mock","mock","cor","cor"))
     > d <- DGEList(counts=counts,group=group)
     > d <- calcNormFactors(d)
     > d$sample
     > d <- estimateCommonDisp(d)
     > d <- estimateTagwiseDisp(d)
     > <- exactTest(d, pair=c("mock", "cor"))
     > results <- topTags(,n = length(d[,1]))
     > write.table(as.matrix(results$table),file="outputFile.txt",sep="\t")
     > pdf("edgeR-MA-plot.pdf")
     > plot(results$table$logCPM,results$table$logFC,xlim=c(-3, 20), ylim=c(-12, 12), pch=20, cex=.3, col = ifelse( results$table$FDR < .1, "red", "black" ) )
     # making larger design table
     > group <- factor(c(1,1,2,2,3,3))
     > design <- model.matrix(~group)
     > fit <- glmFit(y,design)
     # To compare 2 vs 1:
     > lrt.2vs1 <- glmLRT(fit,coef=2)
     > topTags(lrt.2vs1)
     # To compare 3 vs 1:
     > lrt.3vs1 <- glmLRT(fit,coef=3)
     # To compare 3 vs 2:
     > lrt.3vs2 <- glmLRT(fit,contrast=c(0,-1,1))
     # genes in all 3
     > lrt <- glmLRT(fit,coef=2:3)
     > topTags(lrt)


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