I am a final year student and working in web development field from 2 years. I have done projects from scratch using HTML, CSS and JavaScript only. Also using PHP as a backend and MySQL as a database. I have also worked with M.E.R.N. stack technology and also worked with Python and FLASK as a back-end. I have also done some projects in Machine Learning and Deep Learning Fields using Python, sklearn and TensorFlow. In machine Learning field i have created an machine learning model which predicts the price of houses on the basis of environmental and physical entity value input , and i have also created an model that can understand the trend of covid-19 and predicts the future situation of cases using different type of machine learning models, further i am working on projects on machine learning, deep learning, Artificial Intelligence.I have also worked with Java and Python languages for GUI building and C programming for algorithm building.
🔭 I’m currently working on Data Mining
🌱 I’m currently learning Processing
🤝 I’m looking for help with Android
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on Full Stack Development
💬 Ask me about React, Python, Java, JavaScript, C, Machine/Deep Learning, MERN Stack
👨💻 All of my projects are available at My Portfolio
⚡ Fun fact is I am a fan of Astronomy