Eyo I fixed it for now. Since there is no more login, you have to use your own token from now on.
Donno if the playlist stuff also works, fetching track data, images etc definitely does tho.
node.js TIDAL API built with TypeScript. This module is using the TIDAL Web API v1.
Originally created by Lucas Vasconcelos and first forked by max-huster
NOTE: Currently not supporting facebook login.
Run the following: ~~
npm install https://github.com/ShuriZma/TidalAPI
or if you are using yarn instead of npm:
yarn add https://github.com/ShuriZma/TidalAPI
- Install Fiddler and start it.
- In Fiddler, click Tools > Options > Decrypt HTTPS Traffic
- Install TIDAL for Windows and start it
- In Fiddler, look for requests to
. Click a request, then on the right, click Inspectors > Headers. Underneath Miscellaneous you'll seeX-Tidal-Token
. This is a TIDAL Token you can use.
EDIT: This pretty much still works. Now its just not X-Tidal-Token
anymore but a Bearer auth key
Simple usage searching and querying a track list
import {TidalAPI} from "TidalAPI";
var api = new TidalAPI({
token: 'your-token-here',
countryCode: 'your-country-code-here', // countryCode can be sth like 'US' if you don't know your country code just google it.
// Could also be 'LOSSLESS' but this only supported on premium subscriptions
quality: 'HIGH'
const artists = await api.search({query: 'Dream Theater', limit: 1, types: "artists"});
const albums = await api.search({types: 'albums', query: 'Dream Theater', limit: 1});
const tracks = await api.search({types: 'tracks', query: 'Dream Theater', limit: 1});
const search = await api.search({types: 'tracks,albums,artists', query: 'Dream Theater', limit: 1});
const info = await api.getTrackInfo("22560696");
const streamUrl = await api.getStreamUrl("22560696");
const videoStreamUrl = await api.getStreamUrl("25470315");
const url = api.getArtUrlSync('24f52ab0-e7d6-414d-a650-20a4c686aa57', 1280); // use 750 instead of 1280 for arist images :thumbsup:
const artistVideos = await api.getArtistVideos("14670", {limit: 2});
// get general information about the playlist
const playlistInfo = await getPlaylist("7ab5d2b6-93fb-4181-a008-a1d18e2cebfa", "your-user-id");
// get tracks of the playlist
const playlistInfo = await getPlaylistTracks("7ab5d2b6-93fb-4181-a008-a1d18e2cebfa", "your-user-id");
// EDIT: since we cant login we also cant get the user id anymore so you will have to get it yourself. Might wanna check fiddle again
const gguid = await createPlaylist("My Playlist", "Description", "your-user-id");
const gguid = await createPlaylistIfNotExists("MyPlaylist", "your-user-id");
Your TIDAL token is likely incorrect.
If you want to run the Unit-Tests you need to specify your Tidal Login Credentials in the ENV parameters like so:
Yea well no. Tests are probably broken. I mean they have to be broken since there is no more login stuff. Didn't care about fixing them.