git init create repository
git status more information
file is red that mean that we have to add folder
git add (file name) readme.md
after this command file becames green
note on the down left corner must written main not master. if it says master needs to be changed to main. to do this to use command below
git branch -m main changing branch name, last word "main" is new name
git commit commit changes / alternative git commit -m and message written with " "
git commit -m "name of the commit"
*__note__* create repository on github
or push an existing repository on github. copy the code and paste to terminal on VScode
git push -u pushing the code
3 steps to upload code to github 1st git add . 2nd git status 3rd git commit -m "name of the commit" 4th git push to load code to github
to download from GitHub
- click code
- copy link
- command git clone and link