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Bilal Bassam edited this page Nov 7, 2024 · 14 revisions

Discordia uses an event emitter class to broadcast various named events, most of which originate from Discord's gateway via WebSocket payloads. This is a list of all Discordia client events and their arguments.

Event Emitters

The Client class extends the Emitter class. This makes it acceptable to subscribe callbacks or listeners to client events. The callbacks are fired when the events are emitted. All of the events listed here are called by the Discordia library and should not be manually emitted by the user.

For example, a listener can be subscribed to the messageCreate event:

local client = discordia.Client()

client:on('messageCreate', function(message)
	print(, message.content)

This event would print the message's author's name and the message content every time Discordia receives an event for a message creation from Discord.

Discord Events


Emitted after all shards and guilds are fully loaded.

  • no arguments


Emitted after a shard successfully connects to a Discord gateway and loads all corresponding guilds.

  • shardId - ID of the shard


Emitted after the client successfully resumes a severed gateway connection.

  • shardId - ID of the shard


Emitted when a guild channel is created, when a private channel is opened, or when a group channel is joined.

  • channel - the created channel


Emitted when a channel property is updated, such as its name, topic, bitrate, etc.

  • channel - the updated channel


Emitted when a guild channel is deleted, when a private channel is closed, or when a group channel is left.

  • channel - the deleted channel


Emitted when a new recipient is added to a group channel. User-accounts only.

  • channel - the group channel to which the user was added
  • user - the user that was added


Emitted when a new recipient is removed from a group channel. User-accounts only.

  • channel - the group channel from which the user was removed
  • user - the user that was removed


Emitted when a guild becomes available. This can occur after a server outage or as guild data is streamed in after login.

  • guild - the available guild


Emitted when a guild is created from the perspective of the current user, usually after the client user joins a new one.

  • guild - the created guild


Emitted when a guild property is updated such as its name, region, icon, etc.

  • guild - the updated guild


Emitted when a guild becomes unavailable, potentially due to a server outage. Unavailable guilds may lack significant data.

  • guild - the unavailable guild


Emitted when a guild is deleted from the perspective of the current user, usually after the client leaves one.

  • guild - the deleted guild


Emitted when a user is banned from a guild.

  • user - the user that was banned
  • guild - the guild from which the user was banned


Emitted when a user is unbanned from a guild.

  • user - the user that was unbanned
  • guild - the guild from which the user was unbanned


Emitted when a guild's custom emoji is updated.

  • guild - the guild in which the emoji exists


Emitted when a new user joins a guild.

  • member - the member that joined the guild


Emitted when a user leaves a guild.

  • member - the member that left the guild


Emitted when a guild member property is updated, such as its roles or nickname. See presenceUpdate for status changes.

  • member - the member that was updated


Emitted when a guild role is created.

  • role - the role that was created


Emitted when a guild role property is updated, such as its name, color, permissions, etc.

  • role - the role that was updated


Emitted when a guild role is deleted.

  • role - the role that was deletes


Emitted when a text channel message is created.

  • message - the message that was created


Emitted when the content of a text channel message is edited.

  • message - the message that was updated


Emitted when the content of a text channel message is edited, but the message is not cached by the client.

  • channel - the channel in which the message was created
  • messageId - the Snowflake ID of the message


Emitted when a text channel message is deleted. Bulk deletions will fire this for every message that is deleted.

  • message - the message that was deleted


Emitted when a text channel message is deleted, but the message is not cached by the client. Bulk deletions will fire this for every message that is deleted, but not cached.

  • channel - the channel in which the message was deleted
  • messageId - the Snowflake ID of the message


Emitted when an emoji reaction is added to message.

  • reaction - the reaction object that was added
  • userId - the Snowflake ID of the user that added the reaction


Emitted when an emoji reaction is added to message, whether the message is cached or not. This event will be emitted before reactionAdd/reactionAddUncached are emitted.

  • channel - the channel in which the reaction was added
  • messageId - The Snowflake ID of the reacted message
  • hash - the hash of the reaction; either an emoji ID or emoji name
  • userId - the Snowflake ID of the user that added the reaction


Emitted when an emoji reaction is added to message, but the message is not cached by the client.

  • channel - the channel in which the reaction was added
  • messageId - the Snowflake ID of the reacted message
  • hash - the hash of the reaction; either an emoji ID or emoji name
  • userId - the Snowflake ID of the user that added the reaction


Emitted when an emoji reaction is removed from a message.

  • reaction - the reaction object that was removed
  • userId - the Snowflake ID of the user whose reaction was removed


Emitted when an emoji reaction is removed from a message, whether the message is cached or not. This event will be emitted before reactionRemove/reactionRemoveUncached are emitted.

  • channel - the channel in which the reaction was removed
  • messageId - the Snowflake ID of the reacted message
  • hash - the hash of the reaction; either an emoji ID or emoji name
  • userId - the Snowflake ID of the user whose reaction was removed


Emitted when an emoji reaction is removed from a message, but the message is not cached by the client.

  • channel - the channel in which the reaction was removed
  • messageId - the Snowflake ID of the reacted message
  • hash - the hash of the reaction; either an emoji ID or emoji name
  • userId - the Snowflake ID of the user whose reaction was removed


Emitted when all emoji reactions are removed from a message.

  • message - the message from which the reactions were removed


Emitted when all emoji reactions are removed from a message, whether the message is cached or not. This event will be emitted before reactionRemoveAll/reactionRemoveAllUncached are emitted.

  • channel - the channel in which the reactions were removed
  • messageId - the Snowflake ID of the reacted message


Emitted when all emoji reactions are removed from a message, but the message is not cached by the client.

  • channel - the channel in which the reactions were removed
  • messageId - the Snowflake ID of the reacted message


Emitted when a message is pinned or unpinned in a channel.

  • channel - the channel in which the message was pinned or unpinned


Emitted when a guild member's status or user properties change. See memberUpdate for role and nickname changes.

  • member - the member whose presence has changed


Emitted when a relationship's (friend, blocked user) status or user properties change. User-accounts only.

  • relationship - the relationship that was updated


Emitted when a relationship (friend, blocked user) is added. User-accounts only.

  • relationship - the relationship that was added


Emitted when a relationship (friend, blocked user) is removed. User-accounts only.

  • relationship - the relationship that was removed


Emitted when a user starts typing in a text channel.

  • userId - the Snowflake ID of the user that started typing
  • channelId - the Snowflake ID of the channel in which the user started typing
  • timestamp - Unix timestamp in seconds at which the user started typing


Emitted when the client user updates itself.

  • user - the user that was updated (equivalent to client.user)


Emitted when a guild member connects to voice chat.

  • member - the member that connected


Emitted when a guild member disconnects from voice chat.

  • member - the member that connected


Emitted when a guild member's mute/deaf status changes.

  • member - the member that connected


Emitted when a guild member joins a voice channel.

  • member - the member that joined
  • channel - the channel that was joined


Emitted when a guild member leaves a voice channel.

  • member - the member that left
  • channel - the channel that was left


Emitted when a guild's text channel's webhooks have updated.

  • channel - the channel in which the webhook updated

Logging Events


Emitted to provide detailed information regarding specific library behavior.

  • debug - The unformatted debug message


Emitted to provide helpful information regarding general library behavior.

  • message - The unformatted info message


Emitted when something went wrong, but your code will probably continue operating normally.

  • message - The unformatted warning message


Emitted when something went wrong and your code may not continue operating normally.

  • message - The unformatted error message

Other Events


Emitted when Discord responds with a heartbeat acknowledgement.

  • shardId - the ID of the shard that received the acknowledgement
  • latency - round-trip latency of the heartbeat in milliseconds


Emitted for every Discord gateway event.

  • string - Raw JSON string of the gateway payload
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