- Allowed users only filter
- Upload Files up to 4GB (2GB without Telegram Premium subscription)
- Send caption as the title of video
Login into https://my.telegram.org/auth with your telegram phone number
Click on "API development tools"
Filll "App title" and "Short name" and click on "Create application"
Use @BotFather on telegram to create and get BOT TOKEN
Open yt_dlp_tgbot.py
with your text editor and replace App_Title
and API_ID
with your own information
$ sudo apt update && apt install python3-pip tmux -y && pip install yt-dlp pyrogram TgCrypto
$ python3 yt_dlp_tgbot.py
You can make the bot to operate for only users that you want. You should place USER IDs in line 8 and uncomment these lines: 28, 29, 108, 109
For this you should get the API from an account which has an active Telegram Premium subscription and then change if file_size > 2 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024:
on line 154 to if file_size > 4 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024:
You can run yt_dlp_tgbot.sh
in tmux
to prevent session termination and possible crashes:
$ tmux
chmod +x yt_dlp_tgbot.sh
The yt_dlp_tgbot.sh
assumes that the yt_dlp_tgbot.py
is located on /root
. You may need to change that.