A few Snippets to help hacking
- Execute commands in toggle term by selection
Luarocks is required(luasocket mime,gzip,bit operations for encoding decoding):
sudo apt install luarocks -y
sudo luarocks install luasocket
sudo luarocks install lua-zlib
sudo luarocks install luabitop
sudo pip install bcrypt
# Add to plugins/hacker-helper.lua
return {
opts = {
prefix = "<leader>r", -- Change base prefix to <leader>r
keys = {
run_exec = "e", -- <leader>re (Execute Command in Terminal)
encode_prefix = "de", -- <leader>rde (Encode Group)
decode_prefix = "d", -- <leader>rd (Decode Group)
encode_url = "u", -- <leader>rdeu (URL Encode)
hash_prefix = "c", -- <leader>rc (Hash Group)
decode_url = "u", -- <leader>rdu (URL Decode)
encode_base64 = "b", -- <leader>rdeb (Base64 Encode)
decode_base64 = "b", -- <leader>rdb (Base64 Decode)
encode_html = "h", -- <leader>rdeh (HTML Encode)
decode_html = "h", -- <leader>rdh (HTML Decode)
encode_ascii_hex = "x", -- <leader>rdex (ASCII Hex Encode)
decode_ascii_hex = "x", -- <leader>rdx (ASCII Hex Decode)
encode_gzip = "g", -- <leader>rdeg (Gzip Encode)
decode_gzip = "g", -- <leader>rdg (Gzip Decode)
encode_binary = "i", -- <leader>rdei (Binary Encode)
decode_binary = "i", -- <leader>rdi (Binary Decode)
encode_octal = "o", -- <leader>rdeo (Octal Encode)
decode_octal = "o", -- <leader>rdo (Octal Decode)
hash_md5 = "m", -- <leader>rcm (MD5 Hash)
hash_sha1 = "s", -- <leader>rcs (SHA-1 Hash)
hash_sha256 = "S", -- <leader>rcS (SHA-256 Hash)
hash_crc32 = "c", -- <leader>rcC (CRC32 Hash)
hash_scrypt = "y", -- <leader>rcy (Scrypt Hash)
hash_bcrypt = "b", -- <leader>rcb (Bcrypt Hash)
- fix issues with selection
- add some tests for selection(difficult borderline-unnecessary)
- Add scrape for advanced xss
- use python HTTP.server on current folder/path
python3 -m http.server -d /path/to/web/dir
- host a simple attack server to serve XMLHttpRequests
- paste polygloats/payloads/reverseshells