dedupes arrow datasets ( IPC .arrow db's at the moment) using minhash / jaccard similarity scores. Uses multiple threads to speed things up
this project was thrown together in a few days and fueled by large amounts of coffee, so things are getting cleaned / fixed / improved, and there are likely bugs and other oddities in the code
- more configurable and more types of LSH hash algorithms
- replace queues with arrays/vectors/ring buffers where possible ( CPU perf, less memory fragmentation )
- better ways to track down thread communication slow downs and thread contention issues
- better readme
- work stealing to speed up jaccard compare checks when other threads are less busy
- better error checking
- handle various arrow formats
- handle different CPU intrinsics for more hardware support
- unit tests
- check for file write permissions on output folder before its ready to write out at end of crunching
- clearing output folder on run
- allowing to operate inplace on a dataset
- allow continuing from a partially crunched set of data
- cuda support for even faster fastness
- windows
visual studio 2022 community edition:
see apache arrow installation docs for installing arrow dependencies
open the sln (for sln based )
open the folder with the cmakelists.txt file (for cmake based)
- Linux ( tested on ubuntu WSL2 )
due to accessing windows mounts, i had to sudo every command to avoid errors.
This may not be neccessary for your particular setup, but better safe than sorry.
see apache arrow isntallation docs for installing arrow dependencies
sudo cmake .
sudo make release
- windows/linux
executing the program with -h or --help will display commandlien arguments
this will be updated shortly...
executing the program with no cmd args will display the expected cmd args.
CPPDeduper "\path\to\dirWith\arrowIPCdatasets\inSubfolders" "fileExtensionOfArrowIPCDatasets" "dataColumnName" dupeThreshold "outdir\where\nondupes\are\saved"
NOTE: there is no parameter for hash size or n-gram size. they are compiled in for optimization, and default to n-gram size of 5, and 256 finger print hashes
they can be modified in code on these lines:
static constexpr int HASH_LENGTH_SHINGLES = 5; //words used per hash
static constexpr int NUM_HASHES = 256; //number of hashes for comparison
sample windows commandline:
CPPDeduper "D:\\datasets\\folderWithManySubfolders" ".arrow" "text" 0.7 "d:\\dedupOut"
sample linux:
./CPPDeduper "/mnt/d/datasets/folderWithManySubfolders" ".arrow" "text" 0.7 "/mnt/d/carp/dedupOut"
- theres very little error handling at the moment, so it can be touchy
- need to manually clear the output folder / make sure its empty / ensure you have permissions, otherwise std::filesystem:: throws an exception and it fails at the end of crunching.