Plugin to operate SMS, send / list / intercept / delete / restore, also with bluetooth detection.
Use the plugin with Cordova CLI:
cordova plugin add com.rjfun.cordova.sms
sendSMS(address(s), text, successCallback, failureCallback);
listSMS(filter, successCallback, failureCallback);
deleteSMS(filter, successCallback, failureCallback);
startWatch(successCallback, failureCallback);
stopWatch(successCallback, failureCallback);
enableIntercept(on_off, successCallback, failureCallback);
restoreSMS(msg_or_msgs, successCallback, failureCallback);
setOptions(options, successCallback, failureCallback);
# create a demo project
cordova create test1 com.rjfun.test1 Test1
cd test1
cordova platform add android
# now add plugin
cordova plugin add com.rjfun.cordova.sms
# copy the demo file
rm -r www/*; cp plugins/com.rjfun.cordova.sms/test/* www/;
# now build and run the demo in your device or emulator
cordova prepare;
cordova run android;
# or import into Xcode / eclipse
Check the API Reference
Check the Example Code in test/index.html.
The plugin is created and maintained by Raymond Xie.
You can use it for FREE, it works in trial mode by default.
A valid license is required to get email support, or use it in commercial product.
More Cordova/PhoneGap plugins by Raymond Xie, visit
Cordova/PhoneGap plugins for the world leading Mobile Ad services:
- AdMob PluginPro, for Google AdMob/DoubleClick.
- iAd PluginPro, for Apple iAd.
- FacebookAds PluginPro, for Facebook Audience Network.
- FlurryAds PluginPro, for Flurry Ads.
- mMedia PluginPro, for Millennial Meida.
- MobFox PluginPro, for MobFox.
- MoPub PluginPro, for MoPub.
Project outsourcing and consulting service is also available. Please contact us if you have the business needs.