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Embed CrossHair Module in HUD Module
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zywl committed Dec 27, 2023
1 parent 8b37788 commit b1c0fef
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Showing 33 changed files with 202 additions and 811 deletions.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ object ChatControl : Module() {
val chatClearValue = BoolValue("NoChatClear", true)
val chatCombineValue = BoolValue("ChatCombine", true)
val fontChatValue = BoolValue("FontChat", false)
val fontEpsilonValue = FloatValue("FontVectorEpsilon", 0.5f, 0f, 1.5f)
private val fontEpsilonValue = FloatValue("FontVectorEpsilon", 0.5f, 0f, 1.5f)
val chatRectValue = BoolValue("ChatBackGround", false)
val betterChatRectValue = BoolValue("BetterChatRect", false)
val chatAnimValue = BoolValue("ChatAnimation", false)
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,46 +13,49 @@ import net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.event.ScreenEvent
import net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.features.module.Module
import net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.features.module.ModuleCategory
import net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.features.module.ModuleInfo
import net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.ui.cape.GuiCapeManager.height
import net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.ui.clickgui.ClickGUIModule.colorBlueValue
import net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.ui.clickgui.ClickGUIModule.colorGreenValue
import net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.ui.clickgui.ClickGUIModule.colorRedValue
import net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.ui.client.hud.designer.GuiHudDesigner
import net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.utils.render.ColorUtils
import net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.ui.client.hud.element.elements.ColorManager
import net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.utils.render.EaseUtils
import net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.utils.render.RenderUtils
import net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.value.BoolValue
import net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.value.FloatValue
import net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.value.IntegerValue
import net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.value.ListValue
import net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiChat
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.GlStateManager
import net.minecraft.util.MathHelper
import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation
import net.minecraft.client.gui.Gui
import java.awt.Color
import java.util.*

@ModuleInfo(name = "HUD", category = ModuleCategory.CLIENT, array = false, defaultOn = true)
object HUD : Module() {

val buttonShadowValue = BoolValue("ShadowButton", true)
val UiShadowValue = ListValue("UIEffectMode", arrayOf("Shadow", "Glow", "None"), "Shadow")

val shadowValue = ListValue("TextShadowMode", arrayOf("LiquidBounce", "Outline", "Default", "Autumn"), "Default")
private val rainbowMode = ListValue("ColorMode", arrayOf("Rainbow", "Light Rainbow", "Static", "Double Color", "Default"), "Light Rainbow")
val movingcolors = BoolValue("MovingColors", false)
val inventoryParticle = BoolValue("InventoryParticle", false)
val hueInterpolation = BoolValue("hueInterpolation", false)
val blurValue = BoolValue("Blur", false)
val HealthValue = BoolValue("Health", true)
val waterMark = BoolValue("Watermark", true)
val arrayListValue = BoolValue("ArrayListAnimation", true)
private val uiEffectValue = BoolValue("UIEffect", true)
val buttonShadowValue = BoolValue("ShadowButton", true).displayable { uiEffectValue.get() }
val UiShadowValue = ListValue("UIEffectMode", arrayOf("Shadow", "Glow", "None"), "Shadow").displayable { uiEffectValue.get() }
val inventoryParticle = BoolValue("InventoryParticle", false).displayable { uiEffectValue.get() }

private val viewValue = BoolValue("BetterView", true)
val smoothCamera = BoolValue("Smooth", true).displayable { viewValue.get() }
val cameraPositionValue = BoolValue("CameraPosition", false).displayable { viewValue.get() }
val cameraPositionYawValue = FloatValue("Yaw", 10F, -50F, 50F).displayable { cameraPositionValue.get() }
val cameraPositionPitchValue = FloatValue("Pitch", 10F, -50F, 50F).displayable { cameraPositionValue.get() }
val cameraPositionFovValue = FloatValue("DistanceFov", 4F, 1F, 50F).displayable { cameraPositionValue.get() }

// ArrayList
private val arrayList = BoolValue("ArrayList", true)
val shadowValue = ListValue("TextShadowMode", arrayOf("LiquidBounce", "Outline", "Default", "Autumn"), "Default").displayable { arrayList.get() }
private val arrayListValue = BoolValue("ArrayListAnimation", true).displayable { arrayList.get() }
val arraylistXAxisAnimSpeedValue = IntegerValue("ArraylistXAxisAnimSpeed", 10, 5, 20).displayable { arrayListValue.get() }
val arraylistXAxisAnimTypeValue = EaseUtils.getEnumEasingList("ArraylistXAxisAnimType").displayable { arrayListValue.get() }
val arraylistXAxisAnimOrderValue = EaseUtils.getEnumEasingOrderList("ArraylistXAxisHotbarAnimOrder").displayable { !arraylistXAxisAnimTypeValue.equals("NONE") }
val arraylistYAxisAnimSpeedValue = IntegerValue("ArraylistYAxisAnimSpeed", 10, 5, 20).displayable { arrayListValue.get() }
val arraylistYAxisAnimTypeValue = EaseUtils.getEnumEasingList("ArraylistYAxisAnimType")
val arraylistYAxisAnimOrderValue = EaseUtils.getEnumEasingOrderList("ArraylistYAxisHotbarAnimOrder").displayable { !arraylistYAxisAnimTypeValue.equals("NONE") }

private val waterMark = BoolValue("Watermark", true)

private val crossHairValue = BoolValue("CrossHair", true)

* Renders the HUD.
Expand All @@ -61,18 +64,43 @@ object HUD : Module() {
if (mc.currentScreen is GuiHudDesigner) return
FDPClient.hud.render(false, event.partialTicks)
if (waterMark.get()) renderWatermark()
if (HealthValue.get()) mc.fontRendererObj.drawStringWithShadow(
(width / 2 - 4).toFloat(), (height / 2 - 13).toFloat(), if ( <= 15) Color(255, 0, 0).rgb else Color(0, 255, 0).rgb)

if (crossHairValue.get()) {
val lrs1 = RenderUtils.width()
val lrs2 = RenderUtils.height()

if (mc.thePlayer.isSprinting) {
drawCrosshair(lrs1 / 2 - 3 - 3, lrs2 / 2, lrs1 / 2 + 6 - 8, lrs2 / 2 + 2 - 1)
drawCrosshair(lrs1 / 2 + 6 - 3, lrs2 / 2, lrs1 / 2 + 10 - 3, lrs2 / 2 + 1)
drawCrosshair(lrs1 / 2, lrs2 / 2 - 6, lrs1 / 2 + 1, lrs2 / 2 - 2)
drawCrosshair(lrs1 / 2, lrs2 / 2 + 6 - 3, lrs1 / 2 + 1, lrs2 / 2 + 7)
} else {
drawCrosshair(lrs1 / 2 + 10 - 19, lrs2 / 2, lrs1 / 2 + 5 - 10, lrs2 / 2 + 1)
drawCrosshair(lrs1 / 2, lrs2 / 2 - 9, lrs1 / 2 + 1, lrs2 / 2 - 5)
drawCrosshair(lrs1 / 2, lrs2 / 2 + 2 + 4, lrs1 / 2 + 1, lrs2 / 2 + 10)
drawCrosshair(lrs1 / 2, lrs2 / 2, lrs1 / 2 + 1, lrs2 / 2 + 1)


private fun drawCrosshair(x1: Int, y1: Int, x2: Int, y2: Int) {
val borderColor = Color(0, 0, 0, 255).rgb
val backgroundColor = Color(255, 255, 255, 255).rgb
val borderWidth = 1
val borderAlpha = 0.7582394f

Gui.drawRect(x1, y1, x2, y2, backgroundColor)
RenderUtils.drawBorderedRect((x1 - borderWidth).toDouble(), y1.toDouble(), x1.toDouble(), y2.toDouble(), borderAlpha.toDouble(), borderColor, Color(255, 190, 255, 0).rgb)
RenderUtils.drawBorderedRect(x2.toDouble(), y1.toDouble(), (x2 + borderWidth).toDouble(), y2.toDouble(), borderAlpha.toDouble(), borderColor, Color(255, 190, 255, 0).rgb)

* Renders the watermark.
private fun renderWatermark() {
var width = 3
val colors = getClientColors()
val colors = ColorManager.getClientColors()
Expand All @@ -89,14 +117,12 @@ object HUD : Module() {

fun onScreen(event: ScreenEvent) {
fun onScreen(event: ScreenEvent?) {
if (mc.theWorld == null || mc.thePlayer == null) {

if (state && blurValue.get() && !mc.entityRenderer.isShaderActive && event.guiScreen != null && !(event.guiScreen is GuiChat || event.guiScreen is GuiHudDesigner)) {
} else if (mc.entityRenderer.shaderGroup != null && mc.entityRenderer.shaderGroup!!.shaderGroupName.contains("fdpclient/blur.json")) {
if (state && mc.entityRenderer.isShaderActive) {
Expand All @@ -106,34 +132,4 @@ object HUD : Module() {
FDPClient.hud.handleKey('a', event.key)

fun getClientColors(): Array<Color> {
val firstColor: Color
val secondColor: Color
when (rainbowMode.get().lowercase(Locale.getDefault())) {
"light rainbow" -> {
firstColor = ColorUtils.rainbowc(15, 1, .6f, 1F, 1F)!!
secondColor = ColorUtils.rainbowc(15, 40, .6f, 1F, 1F)!!
"rainbow" -> {
firstColor = ColorUtils.rainbowc(15, 1, 1F, 1F, 1F)!!
secondColor = ColorUtils.rainbowc(15, 40, 1F, 1F, 1F)!!
"double color" -> {
firstColor =
ColorUtils.interpolateColorsBackAndForth(15, 0, Color.PINK, Color.BLUE, hueInterpolation.get())!!
secondColor =
ColorUtils.interpolateColorsBackAndForth(15, 90, Color.PINK, Color.BLUE, hueInterpolation.get())!!
"static" -> {
firstColor = Color(colorRedValue.get(), colorGreenValue.get(), colorBlueValue.get())
secondColor = firstColor
else -> {
firstColor = Color(-1)
secondColor = Color(-1)
return arrayOf(firstColor, secondColor)


This file was deleted.

Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -26,14 +26,19 @@ import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation
import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11
import java.awt.Color

@ModuleInfo(name = "VanillaTweaks", description = "Allows you to see through walls in third person view.", category = ModuleCategory.VISUAL)
@ModuleInfo(name = "VanillaTweaks", description = "Vanilla Utilities.", category = ModuleCategory.VISUAL)
object VanillaTweaks : Module() {
var alpha2 = 0

private var alpha2 = 0

// NoAchievements
val noAchievements = BoolValue("NoAchievements", false)

// CameraClip
val cameraClipValue = BoolValue("CameraClip", false)

val hurtCam = BoolValue("HurtCam", false)
// HurtCam
private val hurtCam = BoolValue("HurtCam", false)
val modeValue = ListValue("Mode", arrayOf("Vanilla", "Cancel", "FPS"), "Vanilla").displayable { hurtCam.get() }
private val colorRedValue = IntegerValue("R", 255, 0, 255).displayable { modeValue.equals("FPS") }
private val colorGreenValue = IntegerValue("G", 0, 0, 255).displayable { modeValue.equals("FPS") }
Expand All @@ -43,7 +48,7 @@ object VanillaTweaks : Module() {
private val fpsHeightValue = IntegerValue("FPSHeight", 25, 10, 50).displayable { modeValue.equals("FPS") }

val antiBlindValue = BoolValue("AntiBlind", false)
private val antiBlindValue = BoolValue("AntiBlind", false)
val confusionEffectValue = BoolValue("Confusion", false).displayable { antiBlindValue.get() }
val pumpkinEffectValue = BoolValue("Pumpkin", true).displayable { antiBlindValue.get() }
val fireEffectValue = FloatValue("FireAlpha", 0.3f, 0f, 1f).displayable { antiBlindValue.get() }
Expand All @@ -52,7 +57,7 @@ object VanillaTweaks : Module() {
val bossHealthValue = BoolValue("Boss-Health", true).displayable { antiBlindValue.get() }

val noFov = BoolValue("NoFOV", false)
private val noFov = BoolValue("NoFOV", false)
val fovValue = FloatValue("FOV", 1f, 0f, 1.5f).displayable { noFov.get() }

Expand All @@ -71,22 +76,15 @@ object VanillaTweaks : Module() {
val customFog = BoolValue("CustomFog", false)
val customFogDistance = FloatValue("FogDistance", 0.10f, 0.001f, 2.0f).displayable { customFog.get() }
val customFogRValue = IntegerValue("FogRed", 255, 0, 255) { customFog.get() }
val customFogGValue = IntegerValue("FogGreen", 255, 0, 255) { customFog.get() }
val customFogBValue = IntegerValue("FogBlue", 255, 0, 255) { customFog.get() }

val smoothCamera = BoolValue("Smooth", false)
val cameraPositionValue = BoolValue("CameraPosition", false)
val cameraPositionYawValue = FloatValue("Yaw", 10F, -50F, 50F).displayable { cameraPositionValue.get() }
val cameraPositionPitchValue = FloatValue("Pitch", 10F, -50F, 50F).displayable { cameraPositionValue.get() }
val cameraPositionFovValue = FloatValue("DistanceFov", 4F, 1F, 50F).displayable { cameraPositionValue.get() }
private val customFogRValue = IntegerValue("FogRed", 255, 0, 255) { customFog.get() }
private val customFogGValue = IntegerValue("FogGreen", 255, 0, 255) { customFog.get() }
private val customFogBValue = IntegerValue("FogBlue", 255, 0, 255) { customFog.get() }

private val fpsHurtCam = BoolValue("FPSHurtCam", false)
val hurtcamColorRValue = IntegerValue("HurtColorRed", 255, 0, 255) { fpsHurtCam.get() }
val hurtcamColorGValue = IntegerValue("HurtColorGreen", 255, 0, 255) { fpsHurtCam.get() }
val hurtcamColorBValue = IntegerValue("HurtColorBlue", 255, 0, 255) { fpsHurtCam.get() }
private val hurtcamColorRValue = IntegerValue("HurtColorRed", 255, 0, 255) { fpsHurtCam.get() }
private val hurtcamColorGValue = IntegerValue("HurtColorGreen", 255, 0, 255) { fpsHurtCam.get() }
private val hurtcamColorBValue = IntegerValue("HurtColorBlue", 255, 0, 255) { fpsHurtCam.get() }
private val colorModeValue = ListValue("Color", arrayOf("Custom", "Rainbow", "Slowly", "Fade"), "Custom").displayable { fpsHurtCam.get() }
private val saturationValue = FloatValue("Saturation", 1f, 0f, 1f).displayable { fpsHurtCam.get() }
private val brightnessValue = FloatValue("Brightness", 1f, 0f, 1f).displayable { fpsHurtCam.get() }
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -161,6 +159,8 @@ object VanillaTweaks : Module() {

fun onTick(event: TickEvent) {

try {

if (mc.thePlayer != null) {
Expand All @@ -186,6 +186,7 @@ object VanillaTweaks : Module() {

fun drawGradientSidewaysV(left: Double, top: Double, right: Double, bottom: Double, col1: Int, col2: Int) {
if (fpsHurtCam.get()) {
val f = (col1 shr 24 and 255).toFloat() / 255.0f
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -219,13 +220,13 @@ object VanillaTweaks : Module() {
fun getColor(index: Int): Color {
var colorModeValue = colorModeValue.get()
var colorRedValue = hurtcamColorRValue.get()
var colorGreenValue = hurtcamColorGValue.get()
var colorBlueValue = hurtcamColorBValue.get()
var mixerSecondsValue = mixerSecondsValue.get()
var saturationValue = saturationValue.get()
var brightnessValue = brightnessValue.get()
val colorModeValue = colorModeValue.get()
val colorRedValue = hurtcamColorRValue.get()
val colorGreenValue = hurtcamColorGValue.get()
val colorBlueValue = hurtcamColorBValue.get()
val mixerSecondsValue = mixerSecondsValue.get()
val saturationValue = saturationValue.get()
val brightnessValue = brightnessValue.get()
return when (colorModeValue) {
"Custom" -> Color(colorRedValue, colorGreenValue, colorBlueValue)
"Rainbow" -> Color(
Expand All @@ -237,7 +238,7 @@ object VanillaTweaks : Module() {

"Slowly" -> ColorUtils.slowlyRainbow(System.nanoTime(), index, saturationValue, brightnessValue)!!
"Slowly" -> ColorUtils.slowlyRainbow(System.nanoTime(), index, saturationValue, brightnessValue)
else -> ColorUtils.fade(Color(colorRedValue, colorGreenValue, colorBlueValue), index, 100)
Expand Down

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