v5.6.1 RELEASE
FDP 5.6.1 Update is now available
In these two weeks FDP has received more updates than in previous months, here is a detailed list of everything that was done
- Added Vulcan Scaffold Disabler (Disable limit check)
- Added Minelatino mode in antistaff
- Added Verus NoWeb mode
- Added Silent Hitbox Rework
- Added KillAura Hit Delay
- Added Matrix Disabler
- Added memory fix for u computer (pls dont use it)
- Added Delayed Transaction Disabler
- Added randomize C15PacketClientSettings to AntiExploit to spoof render distance
- Added NoBreak to Aimbot and AimAssist
- Added Insult Custom Mesagge
- Added new capes in CapeManager
- Added Skeletal Module
- Added New Killaura blink block modes
- Added VerusReach allow to disable and customize C00PacketKeepAlive values
- Added new Vulcan Fly imported from Liquidbounce Legacy (credits to EclipseDev)
- Added InvalidUUID AntiBot (Imported from LiquidBounce , Credits to EclipseDev)
- Added Hypixel Blink Nofall void detection Added new BlocksMC critical mode
- Added new BlocksMC criticals mode
- Added Lag command
- Added credits and watermarks
- Added more InDev options + new website mode in Scoreboard element
- Added Eagle Legit Mode
- Added Silent mode to Legit Eagle
- Added Counter Modes to LegitScaffold
- Added LegitScaffold support in KillAura
- Added LegitScaffold Sprint Modes
- Added LegitReach support in LegitAura
- Added Flag check module (EclipseDev)
- Added new colors in gui theme
- Added Hud Improvements
- Added AvoidWazards Module
- Added new module category: Ghost (without icon because its a ghost 👻)
- Added FakeLag Module (Donate by shxp3 crosssine dev)
- Added Universal Antivoid Reset Motion
- Added New clickgui fonts
- Added SuperKB new modes (stap, stopmotion)
- Added Velocity now can select multiple modes (like disabler)
- Added Autoclicker Randomization and exaustion
- Added new FDP icon in taskbar and mainmenu
- Added Breaker new sort + Hypixel Bypass
- Added Tickbase test mode
- Moved jumpreset velo to individual module
Fixed and removed features
- Fixed the killaura values, it couldnt be modified if you wrote it in the chat
- Fixed the scaffold values, it couldnt be modified if you wrote it in the chat
- Fixed some bugs on Scaffold (Counter Modes and Mark)
- Fixed grammar
- Removed Rise6 Scaffold Counter display Mode
- Removed Dg636 skid things
- Removed LB+ ClickGUI completly
- Fixed all brokens draw heads in targethud
- Removed Vulcan2 LongJump mode (is patched) and normal vulcan works very good
- Semi-fix in default arraylist (performance problem)
- Removed unused modes in some modules (tf is Medusa Anticheat)
- Fixed some events
- Optimized code + fixes for flight
- Fixed Silent Hitbox FOV
- AutoTool is now AutoItem (spoof fixed)
This version received changes in its graphic section, delete the hud.json file to solve the performance problems in this version
What's Changed
- German Translation by @bipasisnotavailable in #1137
- Added Minelatino mode in antistaff + 7 staff names (not collected all… by @bipasisnotavailable in #1139
- added language to randomize c15 by @bipasisnotavailable in #1143
- holy moly by @bipasisnotavailable in #1145
- Icon by @opZywl in #1146
- test better jump fix by @Dj1245123 in #1150
- Delete src/main/java/net/ccbluex/liquidbounce/injection/forge/mixins/… by @Dj1245123 in #1149
- STops spamming log by @Dj1245123 in #1154
- move silent hitbox to ghost by @Dj1245123 in #1155
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v5.6.0...v5.6.1