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Installation Instructions for Windows

Hades edited this page Apr 7, 2022 · 10 revisions

Installing on Windows:

1)Install by using binary file:

    1)download the binary file from http://
    2)decompress the file "" and and extract it to "c:\Users\xxx"
    3)start the cmd window
    4)run the program
	c:\Users\xxx> smc console

2)Install by using source code

1)First of all, you need to install a package management software for Windows named "chocolatey". Please refer to for Installation method.
2)Install git, golang, mingw by using chocolatey
	c:\Users\xxx> choco install git
	c:\Users\xxx> choco install golang 
	c:\Users\xxx> choco install mingw

3)Set environment variables {GOPATH} of golang:
	c:\Users\xxx> mkdir {GOPATH}
	c:\Users\xxx> set "GOPATH={GOPATH}"
	c:\Users\xxx> set "Path={GOPATH}\bin;%Path%"
4)download the source on the git: 
	c:\Users\xxx> cd {GOPATH}
	{GOPATH}> mkdir src\\SmartMeshFoundation\
	{GOPATH}> cd src\\SmartMeshFoundation\
	...\SmartMeshFoundation> git clone
5)compile source code:
	...\SmartMeshFoundation> cd Spectrum
	...\SmartMeshFoundation> go install -v ./cmd/...
6)run the program:
	c:\Users\xxx>smc console