Tandem project with my SurfZones Project, both projects are to be used subtractively. Remove images for maps you don't host if you wish to debloat. I have gone through every single map I personally have, that loaded, and gathered screenshots of all maps, and every map bonus, in 3440x1440 / 21:9 JPEG. If you are a map's creator and have a better/preferred angle you would like me to use or suggest please feel free to contact me.
General tutorial if you are using a timer like Qawery-Just-Sad's timer or Sarrus1's SurfTimer-Discord plugin. Clone this repo, and host the images somewhere you can point your timer/discord relay to pull from.
If using the timer, in your surftimer.cfg located probably around /csgo/cfg/sourcemod, you can add your copy of this directory to the following two lines, to get the discord record image showing up in either color coded example in the image. Bonus images can be enabled by setting ck_discord_bonus_image "1"
🟩 - ck_discord_url_main 🟥 - ck_discord_url_thumb
Otherwise if you use the Discord plugin, your image url would go in sm_surftimer_discord_main_url_root "your hosted images url", and set sm_surftimer_discord_bonus_image "1"
sm_surftimer_discord_main_url_root "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Sayt123/SurfMapPics/Maps-and-bonuses/csgo/"
"But what if I want them in a different resolution?"
"Well what if I want to add a watermark?"
If your timer or plugin doesn't work like this or doesn't have any of these entries I unfortunately cannot help. These images can be used for anything they aren't limited to just use for discord bots.