A repository containing everything related to the basics (and advanced features/topics) of the Python programming language.
basics - overview.py
basics - math_operations.py
basics - variables.py
basics - built_in_functions.py
basics - methods.py
basics - comments.py
basics - code_execution.py
datatypes - overview.py
datatypes - numbers.py
datatypes - strings.py
datatypes - lists_and_tuples.py
datatypes - dictionaries.py
datatypes - sets.py
datatypes - booleans.py
flow - overview.py
flow - if_statements.py
flow - match.py
flow - loops.py
functions - overview.py
functions - parameters.py
functions - scope.py
functions - lambdas.py
data - overview.py
data - adv_loops_and_lists.py
data - list_comprehension.py
data - more_comprehension.py
data - sorting_data.py
data - map_and_filter.py
data - file_handling.py
data - deletion.py
classes - overview.py
classes - classes_in_practice.py
classes - dunder_methods.py
classes - classes_and_methods.py
classes - classes_and_scope.py
classes - inheritance.py
classes - extra_classes_info.py
modules - overview.py
modules - external_modules.py
modules - creating_modules.py
modules - dunder_main.py
extras - overview.py
extras - input_and_pass.py
extras - exceptions.py
extras - decorators.py
extras - eval_and_exec.py
Advanced Python lessons are being worked on...
- Multi-threading
- Multi-processing
- And more!