Generate a resumé of your Github activity! See a live example here.
In five minutes you can show off your best public activity on Github, whether commits, pull requests, stats or conversations, and publish this online. This means you can direct people towards the work you want to emphasize. With more time, you can customize your resumé by changing basic HTML, adding whatever else you want to it.
# fork repository
git clone
cd cv
# apt-get install phantomjs or brew install phantomjs
bundle install
edit templates/index.html # set your username
bundle exec rake
# use `bundle exec rake light` to skip downloading anything
open index.html
# on branch gh-pages
git commit -am 'Customize my resumé' && git push
If you manage to get a job using this, you could give me some money...
- Create or take ownership of an issue
- Fork development branch
- Write code
bundle exec rake test
bundle exec rake release
- Commit with a reasonable message and push
- Submit a pull request