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Frequently Asked Questions

Clive Galway edited this page May 14, 2020 · 4 revisions

This page contains known problems when working with UCR and possible solutions.

General issues

My profile does not activate successfully

This is usually caused by missing installation of providers. Make sure that the used input/output devices' providers are installed correctly. See Installation and Setup.

I moved context.xml to the UCR folder

Moving the context.xml configuration between versions of UCR is not supported and it might now be invalid for the new version. Please remove/move the context.xml and recreate your profile in the new version.
Using a context.xml from another person's setup is also not guaranteed to work, YMMV

Why is there no UCR.exe file in the zip?

You downloaded the source code, not a release from the Releases Page

Xbox / DusalShock Trigger related issues

Triggers do not appear in list of available bindings for button type inputs

Xbox360 controllers only have analog inputs for triggers. You will need to use the Axis To Button plugin to bind them to a button.

Button To Axis plugin does not seem to work for triggers

Analog triggers on the Xbox controller or Dualshock controllers does not rest in the middle of the axis at 0. You should set the Press value to 100 and the Release value to -100

I have read the above, but DualShock4 triggers still do not work in my game

DualShock4 controllers have two ways of interpreting a trigger - either as an Axis or as a Button. Some games listen to the Axis version, some games listen to the Button, some games listen to both.
In the latter case, use two plugins (eg a Button To Axis and a Button To Button) to make the input press both the Button and Axis versions of the trigger

Keyboard / Mouse related issues

Why do I not see my Keyboard or Mouse in the list of input devices?

  1. Did you install the Interception driver?
  2. Did you properly follow the install instructions?
    Note: You need to run the install from a admin command prompt, double-clicking install-interception.exe will not work

How do I use a mouse axis as input or output?

Use the "Delta" plugins from the UCR-Plugins pack