RESTHeart is a backend framework that transforms MongoDB into a API server. It can be extended with custom plugins to enhance its functionality
RESTHeart is designed for developing microservices, offering a robust and efficient solution built on top of Undertow.
Undertow is a high-performance web server written in Java, known for its flexibility and efficiency. It provides both blocking and non-blocking APIs based on NIO (Non-blocking I/O), making it suitable for a wide range of use cases from lightweight HTTP handlers to full-fledged servlet containers. Notably, Undertow is the default web server for the WildFly application server and replaces JBoss Web in JBoss EAP 7.
RESTHeart simplify and accelerate the development process, exposing the full MongoDB capabilities through REST, GraphQL and Websockets APIs with no backend code required. This cuts development time significantly. Supports MongoDB, Mongo Atlas, Percona Server, FerretDB, AWS DocumentDB, and Azure CosmosDB.
RESTHeart offers comprehensive authentication and authorization services, supporting various security schemes. It enables the management of users, roles and permissions directly in MongoDB collections, eliminating the need for backend code. This streamlined approach significantly reduces development time.
The full documentation is available on
If you want to play with the APIs, you can start from:
Refer to the documentation sections Setup or Setup with Docker.
One-liner to run RESTHeart with Docker:
curl --output docker-compose.yml && docker compose up --attach restheart
You can support the development of RESTHeart via the GitHub Sponsor program and receive public acknowledgment of your help.
Go and see available sponsor tiers.
A plugin is a software component that extends the functionality of RESTHeart, allowing you to add additional features and capabilities to the basic API. RESTHeart supports the development of plugins in Java, Kotlin, and JavaScript.
There are four types of plugins in RESTHeart:
- Service: These plugins extend the API by adding web services.
- Interceptor: These plugins snoop and modify requests and responses at different stages of the request lifecycle.
- Initializer: These plugins execute initialization logic at system startup time.
- Provider: These plugins provide objects to other plugins via the @Inject annotation.
Additionally, it is also possible to develop security plugins to customize the security layer.
Note: Building RESTHeart from scratch requires at least Java 17 and maven 3.6.
Build the fat JAR:
$ ./mvnw clean package -Pshade
To check the build version:
$ java -jar core/target/restheart.jar -v
RESTHeart Version 8.0.7-SNAPSHOT Build-Time 2024-07-17
You can then run it with (make sure to have mongod
running on localhost:27017
$ java -jar core/target/restheart.jar
To execute the integration test suite:
$ ./mvnw clean verify
The verify
goal starts the RESTHeart process and a MongoDB Docker container before running the integration tests.
To avoid starting the MongoDB Docker container, specify the system property -P-mongodb
The integration tests use the MongoDB connection string mongodb://
by default. To use a different connection string, specify the property test-connection-string
The following example shows how to run the integration test suite against an instance of FerretDB running on localhost
# run FerretDB
$ docker run -d --rm --name ferretdb -p 27017:27017
# execute the integration tests
$ ./mvnw clean verify -DskipUTs -P-mongodb -Dtest-connection-string="mongodb://username:password@localhost/ferretdb?authMechanism=PLAIN" -Dkarate.options="--tags ~@requires-replica-set"
This example also specifies the karate options to skip tests tagged with requires-replica-set
(FerretDB does not supports change stream and transactions) and -DskipUTs
to skip the execution of unit tests.
Snapshot builds are available from
Docker images of snapshots are also available:
$ docker pull softinstigate/restheart-snapshot:[commit-short-hash]
For commit short hash you need the first 7 digits of the hash, e.g.
$ git log
commit 2108ce033da8a8c0b65afea0b5b478337e44e464 (HEAD -> master, origin/master, origin/HEAD)
Author: Andrea Di Cesare <[email protected]>
Date: Fri Oct 22 12:46:00 2021 +0200
:bookmark: Bump to version 6.2.0-SNAPSHOT
The short hash is 2108ce0
and the docker pull command is therefore
$ docker pull softinstigate/restheart-snapshot:2108ce0
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