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Vanilla JavaScript Class to calculate loan details including payments; also can create HTML amortization tables. Multi-lingual, multi-functional on-the-fly-support ready.


Unknown, GPL-3.0 licenses found

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SoftMoon Humane-Use General Public License version 1.0
January 6, 2024
character set: UTF-8

Copyright © 2024, Joe Golembieski, SoftMoon-WebWare.
This document may be copied and distributed, but not modified.

This license is automatically superseded by any later version.  Please see the link below for the current version.
This license automatically supersedes any previous licenses to this software, including earlier versions of this software.

This license grants the use of this software ONLY to:
	(1) “entities” (including individuals, organizations, groups, companies, corporations, governments, etc.) that adhere to the SoftMoon “Humane Entity” definition (see below);
as well as
	(2) other software commonly known and referred to as “AIs” (“artificial intelligence” pattern-matching algorithms) when said “AI” software is exclusively owned, operated, controlled, managed, and benefited by a “Humane Entity”, and any data-memory of this software must be erased/removed before either (a) use of said “AI” benefits an “inhumane Entity,” or (b) transfer of ownership of said “AI” software;
and use of this software by said accepted “entities” and “AIs” is then further licensed by the “GNU Affero General Public License v3.0” (GNU AGPLv3.0), with any modifications of “GNU AGPLv3.0” applied and noted per licensed software instance;
and modifications and/or distributions of this software under the provisions of “GNU AGPLv3.0” are governed by this same Humane Use License.

A SoftMoon “Humane Entity” is defined herein and by SoftMoon-WebWare as an “entity” that:
	(1) respects the right of life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness of all other life-forms on the planet Earth that we share; and
	(2) shuns all forms of violence and practices “self defense” in non-aggressive terms, in principle as taught by Morihei Ueshiba in the practice of Aikido (attack no one ever because it is immoral and logistically weakens your stance anyway; subdue your attacker without great pain or permanent injury or harm to them or bystanders), to the best of the “entity’s” ability, up to the point of loss of any “entity’s” life (an entity may protect life with violence only when the threat of danger is clear and present and otherwise overwhelming and unprovoked by the “entity” at risk, and said violent acts must be limited to stopping the danger); and
	(3) is not affiliated in any logistical or financial way with any other or greater “entity”, especially any government, that does not adhere to this same “Humane Entity” definition, unless a public proclamation and condemnation of said inhumanity is included and made visible to everyone in any works, products, etc. derived from this software; and
	(4) does not support in principle in any way for any reason, openly or in private, any “entity”, especially any government, that does not adhere to this same “Humane Entity” definition.
Conversely, an “inhumane Entity” is one that does not conform to the SoftMoon “Humane Entity” definition.
Furthermore, there is no government known to SoftMoon-WebWare that adheres to the SoftMoon “Humane Entity” definition, but we claim ignorance in many cases, and therefore all government “entities” and their members must petition SoftMoon-WebWare for use, and their record and laws will be closely examined.  Governments known to us to grossly violate basic human rights are permanently banned from use of this software (or until SoftMoon-WebWare sees an end to said inhumane practices for a 10-year period and removes said ban); these perverse inhumane government examples include but are in no way limited to:
	The United States Of America
	Saudi Arabia
	The United Kingdom

Corporations on permanent ban include:
	(1) all war weapons manufactures (see;
	(2) all corporations that produce or sell toxic or carcinogenic chemicals for unlimited home, industrial, or agricultural use (DuPont, Bayer, ExxonMobile, and Dow are examples of these perverse corporations);
	(3) all corporations that produce or sell food or seeds poisoned or intended to be poisoned with industrial chemicals, especially GMO products contaminated with Agent Orange;
	(4) all corporations that are involved with the “fossil fuel” industry except those who exclusively mine “white hydrogen”;
	(5) all banking and other financial institutions associated with an “inhumane Entity” (most worldwide);
	(6) all data-conglomerates that strive to “know anything and everything about everybody” who then sell/serve that information to governments and political parties for political and non-criminally-warranted investigations and political manipulation, (i.e. Google, Microsoft, Apple, AT&T, ChoicePoint, etc.), and any “entity” that sells or shares information about other “entities” with these data-conglomerates;
	(7) all major “news providers” in the United States from NPR News to Fox News to ABC News, NBC News, and CBS News and others that spoon-feed selective content to their “base” audience instead of reporting the “whole truth”, while keeping the corporate and political two-party power-structure in-tact and and “in control,” by creating a divisive environment pitting citizen against citizen (instead of united citizens against corporate and government corruption of humanity), while ignoring third-party candidates (on the ballots or not) to keep the “single two-sided coin” in the elected seats, perpetuating the terror and totalitarian control of conservatives worldwide through “corporate fascism” (where the public “adores” the populist corporations that control the government from the inside and outside who then limit freedom and democracy).

Human Rights violations that exclude an “entity” from being a “Humane Entity” include, but are not limited to the rights of freedom (life, liberty, security, and the pursuit of happiness) as defined by:
and the following 4 notes and 9 additional basic human rights:
	(A) RE: article 2: Everyone is equal regardless of sexual orientation or sexual identity;
	(B) RE: article 16: No limitations may be imposed on marriage due to gender issues, sexual orientation, or sexual identity, chosen or inborn; nor may polygamy restrictions be imposed on polyamorous marriages;
	(C) RE: article 17: The security of personal property shall not be abridged, except by true democratic governments under “Eminent Domain” for public use in the betterment of the greater society in whole, and so-called “civil forfeiture” is expressly admonished; however, nothing should prevent true democratic communistic societies where individuals have no or limited personal property, provided all individuals are free to leave said society at any time under free will without coercion;
	(D) RE: article 19: Freedom of expression includes the right to wear (or NOT to wear) the clothing, jewelry, and or personal decorations (including cosmetics) that the individual chooses, the right to have and style hair any way the individual chooses, as well as the right to so called “free speech”, so long as no “symbology” or “text” of said expression intimidates, or advocates for the loss of human rights or dignity of, another individual, with simple statements of uncommented historical fact excluded;
	(31) All individuals have the right to the medical attention and treatment, or lack thereof, of their own choosing;
	(32) All individuals have the right to their own body and mind and the use thereof, and no other “entity” may restrict the use of any procedure or product (especially plants) that an individual chooses to use (e.g. participate in or consume), so long as such use does not actually inhibit the rights, security, or life of others;
	(33) All individuals have the right to eat the food or types of food that they choose, subject to local availability, even when incarcerated for a crime;
	(34) All individuals have the right to peaceful sleep at regular “natural” intervals, even when incarcerated for a crime;
	(35) No individual may be incarcerated for a “crime” unless another “entity” actually has their rights harmed or threatened with actual harm;
	(36) No “crime” may be declared to be perpetrated by any “entity” when no other “entity” has been involved;
	(37) No individual, when incarcerated for a crime, may be held in solitary confinement for longer than 24 hours per 1 week period, and solitary confinement may only be used to end actual violence against another individual — it may not be used as a punishment for any infraction, action, or personal expression;
	(38) No individual may be punished by death for any reason;
	(39) All indigenous peoples have the rights to “own,” occupy, use, and govern their traditional homelands or lands defined within a legal treaty without interference, provided the practice and expression of this right does not violate any other “Humane Entity” article of definition.

For complete information, please see:


Vanilla JavaScript Class to calculate loan details including payments; also can create HTML amortization tables. Multi-lingual, multi-functional on-the-fly-support ready.


Unknown, GPL-3.0 licenses found

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