This is a workshop we hold at Solid State Depot. It is an introductory hands-on tutorial covering how to use a 3D printer.
The curriculum for this workshop has evolved over time. It originally started as a demonstration. It eventually covered the software toolchain in depth and included operation of a 3D printer while topics were covered lecture style.
The workshop is now a hands-on workshop where students are given their own 3D printer to use (sometimes they share). We have enough 3D printers at SSD to support groups up to 12 at a time in this manner.
The goal of the workshop is to train users how to print something on a SSD 3D printer. We start by covering what not to do. Then we perform inspections, connect to the printer, and finally manufacture our 3D printed object. We print an "SSD Certified" emblem designed in OpenSCAD using our 3D printer software toolchain.
The author has been providing this workshop for over 2 years. Anything can go wrong with a 3D printer at anytime. If you are just getting started providing instruction then you should consider starting with very small groups of 2 or 3 and practice for larger groups.
OOPS! There are important Notes but they only appear in the text-only version. That is a bug w/S5.
This is an S5 presentation. There is a printer-friendly version.
Download the ZIP from github (lower-right of the repository main page). Unpack the ZIP. Load index.html in a modern web browser. Click the page to advance or hover over the bottom to reveal a toolbar. Click +/- in the toolbar to view the printer-friendly version.
The license is contained in the presentation.